Friday, March 20, 2020

Superman - Where The DCEU Should Go With Him Next

Yeah, I've been thinking about this for a while now and I guess I'm gonna plunge in with both feet. Warning: this blog might pose a suggestion you may not agree with but it also might be the best way forward the character otherwise known as Superman and where the DC Extended Universe should take him next.

Reboot Baby: Yeah, I'm not going to mince words here and with no disrespect to Henry Cavill but the first thing that needs to be done with Superman is to reboot the character as the WB/DCEU are currently doing with The Batman, having Robert Pattinson assume the role from Ben Affleck. I know Henry Cavill has his fans and even I like his Superman, but going forward, having a new actor take on the role with a rebooted continuity will be better in the long run. Saying that though, there is a caveat I would have in place with said reboot.

No Origin Story: Like with The Batman, which will focus on the Caped Crusader's second year in the role of the Dark Knight, a potential new Superman should already have Clark living and working in Metropolis, both as a reporter for the Daily Planet and as Superman for a few years, maybe two or three. This would mean that he's already in an established relationship with Lois Lane (who would know his dual identity) as well as having met some of his more prominent foes and is a member of a certain League as well. Leading to my next point.

Main Antagonist: At this rate, we've had more than enough movies with both Lex Luthor and General Zod as the main villains of the piece. It's been done enough now. Or at least for now. Someone else needs to have a crack at causing the Man of Steel some major problems and the obvious candidate would be Brainiac. Given that the character has popped up in multiple animated movies and TV shows and live action appearances in both Smallville and Krypton in recent years, it's time for a big screen outing for this particular foe. Of course while Brainiac would be the main villain of the piece, he wouldn't be the only foe that Superman should face in a new movie.

Secondary Antagonist: There's a few characters I considered for this. Characters included the likes of Mxy, Livewire, Toyman, Metallo, etc and then it hit me - Silver Banshee. Aside from the fact that the DCEU could do with more female antagonists (and we've had some great ones so far), she's also a character who hasn't had a big screen live action adaptation and she's a lovely contrast to Brainiac, providing a different strand of villainy for Superman to deal with. In a bit of pilfering though, I'd try a similiar-ish backstory/character arc to the one that Supergirl used in it's first season with the character, giving the character a connection with Lois as well.

The Daily Planet Staff (And Other Characters): I definitely like that Zack Snyder depicted some of Superman's supporting characters in his movies but also hated some of his creative choices as well (killing a certain someone off early into Batman V. Superman springs to mind). Supporting characters are needed for Clark's world and in terms of the Daily Planet we should have the likes of Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Cat Grant, Steve Lombard as well as characters like Bibbo, Snapper Carr and Maggie Sawyer should somewhat factor into this movie. I'd even have both Jonathan and Martha Kent alive in this movie. It never hurt Lois & Clark having Jonathan alive. And then there ....

The Maid Of Might: With a TV series currently on the CW, you might think that Supergirl shouldn't be a priority but I personally think she's a character this particular side of the DCEU shouldn't wait too long to introduce. To differ from the TV show, make the character a teenager, adopted by Jonathan and Martha and who also takes on her mantle in the movie during it's crucial third act moment. You can also explore her relationship with Clark while I would use a post credit sequence to introduce Martian Manhunter.

Before All That: Yes, before a new Superman movie, perhaps a brief taster first? I'd introduce the new version of the character in the upcoming Shazam! sequel, giving him a similar role to what Wonder Woman herself had in Batman V. Superman as well as using Ezra Miller's upcoming Flash movie to explain recasting (brief scene, nothing too big). By doing this and assuming a new actor lands with audiences, it should make a rebooted movie an easier sell for most audiences. Realistically speaking, I don't envision Henry Cavill reprising the role and the character needs to have a movie presence and not just be a show on the CW as well.

So there are my thoughts on what should be done with Superman going forward. What do you think? Should the DCEU do as I suggest and go with a full reboot or should they give Henry Cavill one more movie to see if audiences are interested in more of his take on the character?

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