Thursday, April 23, 2020

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 5x08: "Zari, Not Zari"

Written by Morgan Faust & Tyrion Carter
Directed by Kevin Mock

Atropos (to Behrad): "You don't belong here. No more defying fate."

After a month off the air and following the lowkey exits for Ray and Nora, the Legends enter the second half of this fifth season with no mucking about as the Fates begin to be a very big problem for the gang.

To get the obvious out of the way first, it seems that Astra's mentor, the coin maker is one of Charlie/Clotho sister, Lachesis and the other sister, Atropos (Joanna Vanderham) has also arrived and wasted no time in making her presence felt.

This show has been calling out for a strong female villain and with Astra soon to switch sides, it looks like we've got one with Atropos. In this episode alone, she caused headaches for Charlie, Constantine and Sara and while she might have failed in killing the latter two, she did however succeed with Behrad.

In the space of eight episodes I've actually enjoyed Behrad and this week it was to see him genuinely help out Zari when she started having more memories of her other selves. I should've seen Behrad's death coming a mile off as Zari started to get to know herself but if the last scene between Zari and John was anything to go by, Behrad might not stay dead for too long.

As for the Zari scenes. - Tala Ashe really does bring so much to this show, differentiating between two versions of the same character. I've missed the previous Zari and it was great to see her back here for a bit. Also like Behrad, she's also going to be back sooner than later.

With the Fates plot kicking off nicely here, the B plot had Ava and Mick working together so the latter could have a better relationship with his daughter. It didn't quite pan out as well as Mick hoped it would have but it was a good way to utilise Ava this week.

- Sara, Charlie and Constantine were at a filming location for Supernatural and the comments about filming Season 15 practically wrote themselves.
- Clotho spun the weave, Lachesis decided how long they live and Atropos would kill them. Sara surviving looking at Atropos true form must be linked to that superpower we haven't seen yet.
- Nice references of Ava's own past with Rip in this episode as well as current Zari not being attracted to Nate.
- Chronology: 1977 London (Atropos killed Charlie'a former bandmates), Central City 2004-2020 for the Mick/Lita story and 2020 British Colimbia for the main plot.

Zari, Not Zari has definitely kicked off this Fates storyline with a solid punch. We've got a strong baddie with Charlie's sisters, hints of Sara's new power (whatever it may be) and the Zari/Behrad scenes were fantastic. So glad the series is back.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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