Thursday, May 21, 2020

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 5x12: "I Am Legends"

Written by Ray Utarnarchitt & Leah Pouillot & Emily Cheever
Directed by Andrew Kasch

Charlie (to Lachesis/Atropos): "I'm done running. Now let's get to work."

Holy hell, did Charlie just throw the Legends under a zombie filled pub for her sisters? Are the Legends (plus Gary and Astra) actually dead? Will Gary 2's IBS be a bigger consternation for Atropos to deal with next week? So many questions but not really here.

I don't believe for a second that Charlie has really decided to join up with the very sisters she's been running from for a long while and the trailer and promo pics for next week have shown that the Legends aren't dead but they might wish they were considering whats going to happen to them next.

This week Astra handed the Waverider over to Atropos and Lachesis while the Legends themselves got stuck in an England riddled with zombies while trying to get to an old Time Bureau safe house. Along the way, their new found immortality got tested and the inevitable happened between Zari and Constantine for good measure.

I'd like to point out that while I'm not a fan of the pairing as such, I won't deny there's good chemistry between Matt Ryan and Tala Ashe but the writing for this pairing which did result in an offscreen shag in the middle of a zombie plague has been very forced in parts. I'm kind of hoping this episode sort of resolved that tension but I get the feeling there's more to come.

Speaking of tension, being immortal for a day rendered Sara of her powers but not really. In fact she knew everyone was gonna die and was grooming Ava to co-captain here. It was also interesting that Sara was the first to die when the zombies actually got into the warehouse. It's up to Charlie now to save everyone from her sisters.

Of course she would have had help had Atropos not killed both Astra and Gary. Annoying as the latter has been this season, I did like his teaming up with an imaginary Gideon and he even managed to actually Astra to change her mind again before they were both killed. Now this version of Gary the show could desperately do with a lot more.

- Some really bad stereotypical British accents this week during the UK scenes. I did like the Shaun Of The Dead vibe though.
- Amy Pemberton made her fourth onscreen appearances as Gideon and she seemed to be donning an Audrey Hepburn look in Gary's imagination.
- Astra's hatred for prunes. Yeah, I would have made that as a demand too. I almost thought we were going to get an appearance from Chas Chandler here but alas we didn't.
- Chronology: From where Freaks And Greeks left off.

I Am Legends made decent use of its zombie theme, some nice character moments and Gary actually being useful for the first time in a while. Still though the pacing wasn't as great as the previous episode but other than that, let's see how much Fate will be changed in the last two episodes.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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