Saturday, June 06, 2020

My Review of Harley Quinn's 2x10: "Dye Hard"

Written by Jamiesen Borak
Directed by Vinton Heuck

Harley (to Joker): "I'll be seeing you soon, Mister J."

It's amazing that the majority of this season has survived so well without the Joker but after meeting his normal self a few episodes back, this show was always going to have revive him in some way. Here, in a strange sense of symmetry, it's Harley who has recreate the man who helped create her in the first place.

To the episode's credit, Harley did her best to try and stop her evil ex-boyfriend from remembering his former self and that was in spite of them being bound together during a siege at Wayne Tower and the team up of Dr Psycho, a jacked up Riddler and some remaining Parademons.

However it was obvious from the moment that bartender guy wad struggling to remember where the book that had the Justice League trapped in it that Harley had to end this one by throwing him into a vat of chemicals yet again. With the Joker back in time for the final three episodes, Harley and her decreasing band of friends are somewhat done for.

Dr Psycho wasted no time in posing a challenge for Harley with his control of the Parademons and his team up with Riddler while amusing, also wasn't that surprising either. If someone had to turn on Harley from her gang, then it had to be Psycho.

Of course with Psycho gong full evil, it was Sy Borgman who sacrificed himself to get Harley out of a scrape while King Shark and Clayface were under the influence of Psycho's mind control. Things did not look good for them either but I'm not writing them off as casualties yet.

- Title and setting alone, this was an obvious nod to Die Hard. Harley even  shot someone with a cancer ray while Joker unknowingly killed someone with a pencil.
- Batman still wants to resume crime fighting as he recovers but allowed Gordon to capture Parademons with the Batplane.
- No Poison Ivy or Kite Man this week but we did Harley confide in Joker of all people about her feelings for her best friend.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

Dye Hard definitely found its own unique way to bring the Joker, have Harley assess her feelings while working with Gordon and also try and have her correct her own mistakes with her former alliance with Darkseid. I mean she mostly failed here but this was entertaining to watch unfold.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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