Tuesday, July 28, 2020

My Review of Doom Patrol's 2x07: "Dumb Patrol"

Written by Tamara Becher-Wilkinson & Eric Dietel
Directed by Jessica Lowrey

Miranda (to everyone): "Shall we go home now?"

Ah, Miranda, you seem like the Nicer Jane as Victor put it. Or are you? After this episode, I am not sure about that. I mean you're less moody and seem not as quick to swear like Jane but your immunity to the Scant Queen's effects and ability to use others to kill her did show a ruthless side to you as well that's on a par with Niles basically.

Then there's also the fact that Scarlett Harlot herself seems to be missing and her station closed. Is Miranda bumping off some of the others in the Underground or is someone else? At least Scarlett's disappearance got Jane out of her mopey self to do some investigating and while I'm not in a rush to see her back as the Primary, at least she's going to have something to do in the Underground to keep her busy for a bit.

As for Miranda, when she wasn't being secretly sinister, she was also the only showing any sense when the others - Larry, Vic and Roni were all infected with the Scants from that White Painting of last season. Under the influence, Larry tried unsuccessfully to get Flit to help him see his grandson while Victor and Roni were mostly being all sappy with one another here.

Now with the title this episode had, it really could've strayed into the dumb side of things too heavily but fortunately, I think they held it back rather nicely. I also liked that the plot with the Scant Queen also saw the returns of both the Beard Hunter and Willoughby Kipling for good measure. The latter though had a slightly more interesting part with the Niles side of things than the main plot though.

Speaking of Niles though, he left Dorothy in space, came back to Yukon to look for Slava, only to encounter the Candlemaker and get a cryptic warning about the danger of Dorothy and that led to him striking a deal with Willoughby. Even when Niles is trying to prevent disaster, he still comes across as the absolute worst.

Meanwhile Cliff came crashing down to Earth (so glad they didn't just leave him floating in space for an episode), had problems moving his legs for a bit but on the plus side, it does seem like he made some progress with Clara while Rita got into her beekeeper role and even managed to save a guy from being mugged. Pretty good stuff with these two minor plots.

- Animal-Vegatable-Mineral-Man popped as a billboard, promoting his book, My Side, which got glowing reviews from Kite Man and Gerard Way.
- While Mr Nobody didn't appear in the episode, we did manage to get a nice reference to Alan Tudyk's work on the Harley Quinn TV series thanks to the Beard Hunter.
- Dorothy didn't appear in this episode and it's the second one this season, apart from Pain Patrol that wasn't heavily focused on her.
- Chronology: Not long from where Space Patrol left off.

Dumb Patrol might have slightly dumbed down some of our main characters this week for plot purposes but the episode was anything but dumb. I enjoyed the main plot and the smaller plots with Niles, Rita and Cliff also worked a treat as well.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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