Wednesday, July 08, 2020

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 6x10: "We're Not Getting Away With This"

Written by Tess Leibowitz
Directed by Sheelin Choksey

Connor: "I'm only signing if you agree to one more term. Michaela gets the same protections I do, even if she doesn't sign."

I know, it's been over a month since the series has ended and I've been busy with other things but catching up with the final six episodes of this series, things got off to an interesting start with this particular episode.

So let's recap: back at the end of 2019, it turned out that Asher was killed after being outed as a mole, Connor and Michaela looked like they were about to take the rap for his death and Annalise had left the country. Of course with this show, there's always a few twists to contend with.

Sticking with Connor and Michaela first, this episode easily could've set them against one another but it shows how far both characters have come that they had the same idea and ensured they both got the same protection when signing a new deal. Will they actually betray Annalise? It's possible but I'm betting another twist will emerge on that front.

I'm glad that both Connor and Michaela chose not to listen to either Oliver or Solomon and went with their own instincts here. Fortunately for both of them, it's paying off for now but again, I do see some jail time coming their way as the net has definitely closed in on them.

Speaking of nets closing in, I knew Annalise was going to get caught but I thought it would happen a little later into the latter half of this season. I don't think she made it one day in Mexico before effectively putting herself in the way of being arrested but I assume there will also be a few more twists there too.

Keeping with the twists, this episode didn't really give much in the way of clues as to who killed Asher. We got some more flashbacks with him and while both Bonnie and Frank were acting shady as anything, it's fairly safe to assume that neither of them will ultimately be involved in Asher's actual death. I do however think that Gabriel knows more than he's letting on, considering that it appears he was the last person to see Asher alive.

- I recognised Annalise's handler as Iyari Limon, who played Kennedy in the last season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
- Tegan wasn't pleased with Annalise's disappearance, Nate was annoying in the little screen time he had and even Connor's mother was a bit OTT at times here too.
- Standout music: Lux's Yesterday's Wake and Seven Of Cups Strange Unknown.
- Chronology: More or less from where the mid season finale had left off.

We're Not Getting Away With This opened up the remaining episodes to this final season on a great note. Annalise's scenes were short but the moments with Connor and Michaela and the Asher flashbacks more than kept things moving along nicely.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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