Monday, October 05, 2020

My Review of Ratched's 1x07: "The Bucket List"


Written by Ian Brennan
Directed by Jennifer Lynch

Nurse Bucket (to everyone): "But make no mistake, it is a new day at this hospital and I am overjoyed and humbled to be given the opportunity to provide you all with an example with leadership, grace and world class care giving for the neediest among us. Now, let's get to work."

Penultimate episode in and it felt like some decks were cleared as three threats were swiftly eliminated and Mildred found herself with an unexpected ally. I guess things between her and Nurse Bucket had to take an interesting turn and they did as the two of them of them worked together to remove Hanover from their lives. With a little help from Charlotte, though that was not entirely intentional.

I have to admit, it felt like a bit of a cop out having these two rivals band together under the common enemy trope but at the same time, at least Hanover's downfall was swift enough. Mildred and Betsy got him fired from Lucia State Hospital, he went on the run with Charlotte and she reverted to Ondine and killed him. 

Hanover was such a poorly done character that I felt nothing for his death. He wasn't sympathetic or horrendous enough to generate any type of emotional response, but there was something amusing in Lenore's delight of his severed head being shortlived.

Lenore, who was another poorly developed character also suffered from her hubris this week when her psychotic manchild son, Henry had the help murder her. Again, Henry also not being well developed also suffered when his mother's will resulted in him being institutionalized and Petunia the monkey getting everything. Personally, I liked Petunia so I'm fine with this particular outcome for this plot strand.

With those three characters all dealt with, Nurse Bucket got the chance to run the hospital, Huck got a well deserved promotion and Mildred at least has a bit of a chance to save Edmund. Then there's also the situation with Gwendolyn as the two of them finally declared their love for one another, only for Gwendolyn to reveal that she might not have much longer to live. Oh dear.

- There was flashbacks to Mildred and Edmund's reunion a few years ago as well as to a sponsor's history with the hospital.
- Trevor went from being mad at Gwendolyn ending their lavender marriage to already being involved with someone else. Huck also took it well when Mildred revealed that she was into women.
- Standout music: Brick Fleagle Orchestra's Swamp List.
- Chronology: Flashbacks to 1943 highlighting Hanover losing custody of his daughter as well as his first meetings with Lenore and Henry.

The Bucket List did feel like it was checking various things off the menu. While some of them were hastily done and failed to generate the reaction probably hoped for, I do think it made sense to get certain characters out of the way, so that we can see whether or not Edmund will make it out of the series alive and the price for that as well.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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