Wednesday, March 03, 2021

My Review of Superman And Lois 1x02: "Heritage"


Written by Todd Helbing
Directed by Lee Toland Krieger

Morgan (re letter): "What's this?"
Lois: "That is the best writing I've done since you took over."
Leslie: "He's going to crush you."
Lois: "Let him try."

Now that is the Lois Lane we all know and love. Morgan Edge might rewrite her articles and undermine her credibility at council meetings but neither of those things are enough to stop Lois from wanting to take him down. If Clark has Captain Luthor, then Lois has Morgan Edge for her personal antagonist.

Considering how largely wasted Edge was in the third season of Supergirl, it definitely seems like this show won't make the same mistake here with the character. Saying that, Edge already has the locals on his side with the promise of new jobs and Kyle also seems to be on Morgan's team despite being framed as a character unwelcoming of outsiders.

As for Lois, I liked that she reacted to Edge's tampering of her article by quitting the Daily Planet and even told his right hand woman, Leslie Larr (Stacey Farber) that she wasn't intimidated by Morgan. Lois also seemed to land herself a job at the Smallville Gazette pretty fast and her teaming up with editor Chrissy Beppo (Sofia Hasmik) has potential for the series.

Speaking of outsiders, this episode also saw Clark take Jordan to the Fortress of Solitude to meet the AI version of the long dead Jor El (Angus Macfadyen) and it seemed that Jor El didn't see his grandson as special, which the latter didn't take too kindly to. There's a limit to the amount of angst I think audiences will take from Jordan but he does shine more in scenes with Jonathan, especially when they're on the same page.

As for Jonathan, we saw the effect of moving to Smallville affecting his popularity as well as bearing the brunt of Sarah's annoying boyfriend's wrath on the football field. The football scenes was the weaker stuff in the episode but it's good that the show is showing how things affect both twins.

As for Captain Luthor - this episode not only saw him on the lookout for more Kryptonite but he also managed to sow some seeds of doubt into General Lane about Superman, which was interesting, especially with the reveal of that final flashback. After this episode, it feels more like this Luthor might not actually be a baddie but more justified in his fears of Superman. 

- General Lane reacted badly to learning that Clark told the twins about being Superman. The medal Luthor gave him had the numbers 7734 or 'hell' if turned upside down. I also cannot believe we saw Black Suit Superman again so soon.
- Does Lana actually know that Clark has powers? I get the impression she suspects something from her comments last week.
- Lois did the narration for this episode, which makes me think both Jordan and Jonathan will get the chance as well. 
- Chronology: Not long from the previous episode.

Heritage filled in a few nice gaps for Jordan on his father's planet's history and I'm not too disappointed they're not going too fast with showcasing his abilities for now. The Lois and Morgan Edge scenes were the highlight and I'm loving what they're doing so far with the Captain Luthor story so far. Oh and congrats to the series for getting an early second season renewal.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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