Tuesday, April 27, 2021

My Review of Nomadland (2020)


Written And Directed by Chloe Zhao 

Fern: "I'm not homeless, I'm houseless. Not the same thing, right?"

It's been hyped for a while and with director Chloe Zhao winning Oscars for this movie, I decided it was time to finally see what the fuss was about.

Based on a book by Jessica Bruder, Nomadland has Frances McDormand's Fern on something of a personal journey. A vandweller who following her husband's death and town's collapse took to the open road in her RV to live a less restrictive life.

Throughout the movie we see Fern interact with fellow vandwellers while learning a bit more about the culture itself as even Fern has to learn lessons in self sufficiency and the logistics of changing a flat tyre along with seasonal work at a certain company to make some money along the way.

There are even hints of a potential relationship when Fern strikes a bond with a fellow vandweller named Dave (David Strathairn) as the two form a lovely connection but ultimately they're two different people on very different paths.

Needless to say, Frances McDormand has always been an extremely talented actor and she certainly excels here. Fern isn't always likeable in the movie but she's an engaging protagonist with believable motivations. While the vandweller lifestyle wouldn't be for me, this movie does make a convincing argument for it nonetheless.

- The movie has fictionalised versions of real life vandwellers such as Bob Wells, Charlene Swankie and Linda May.
- Frances McDormand and David Strathairn were the only actors in this movie as everyone else were real life nomads.
-  Standout music: Rose Garden by Lyn Anderson.
- Chronology: I'm assuming 2020 and Empire in Nevada is a real place that was owned by the US Gypsum.

Nomadland certainly is a triumph for director Chloe Zhao as she provides a brilliant adaptation to Bruder's book along with a fantastic central performance from McDormand. Some beautiful scenery as well and this is a superb watch.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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