Monday, May 03, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x01: "Ground Control To Sara Lance"


Written by James Eagan And Mark Bruner
Directed by Kevin Mock

Sara (to Gary): "We didn't make it."

It's been eleven months since we've last seen this chaotic crew and the previous season ended with Sara getting abducted by aliens. Yes, we've gotten to that point in the show where aliens are now on the menu.

On top of that, there's also the reveal Gary himself is an alien and that along with his fiancée Kayla was sent to abduct the best of warriors, including Sara. I guess, it somewhat explains a lot about Gary.

While the Legends are also aware of Gary's secret, they're also desperate to get Sara back and soon find themselves recruiting former alien abducted Spooner Cruz (Lisseth Chavez) to the cause and I have to admit, I'm mixed on the character though already it seems like she will form a bond with Behrad.

While Ava and Nate made up the leaders in Sara's absence and Mick remained unhopeful, Constantine tried and failed to track Gary to get to Sara while Zari and Astra provided their own support to John who admitted to being out of his depth regarding anything alien.

I have to admit that despite Matt Ryan and Tala Ashe having really good chemistry, I'm not keen on the Constantine and Zari pairing and even less so when Astra made the juice cleanse comment. Keep them as a fling, it might be fun but a full blown romance we could do without.

Speaking of romance, it seemed that Sara was going to propose to Ava before being snatched and no doubt when the pair do reunite, we're gonna get that wedding. We still have another fourteen episodes to go but I say we'll get the nuptials before then.

- New title sequence features Gary, Behrad, Astra and Spooner.
- Keeping with the episode's title we saw David Bowie (Thomas Nicholson) while Kayla had Spartacus for lunch. Ava and Nate also found the DEO destroyed.
- The episode was in memory of Scott Carroll.
- Chronology: London 1977 and present day as well.

Ground Control To Sara Lance is a strong enough opening episode. While I'm surprised it's taken the show this long to actually tackle aliens, it'll be interesting to see them pull the idea off. I'm also hoping Sara and Gary are reunited with the Legends fairly soon.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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