Monday, May 10, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x02: "Meat: The Legends"


Written by Matthew Maala And Morgan Faust
Directed by Rachel Talalay

Spooner: "You can still find your girlfriend."
Ava: "I know we will."
Spooner: "And I just didn't shoot enough of them."

If this episode feels familiar to you, it's probably because you have seen both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Torchwood tackle something similar in their runs.

The idea wasn't a classic back then and it's not really one either in this episode but instead of alien meat driving people crazy, it's a housewife and a supply of alien goo that she's giving her husband for a burger restaurant.

It's where the gang wind up this week in Ava's efforts to get Spooner to use her abilities in tracking Sara and while Spooner is a little too gun happy at times, the adventure was a nice way to let her know there's nothing in her and to bond with Ava.

I did like Spooner being critical of Ava's leadership skills while also having a nice rapport with Constantine. Ava didn't quite embrace Spooner's desire to destroy more aliens but they did work well together in taking out the moth looking alien this week.

Meanwhile Nate, Zari and Behrad found themselves on burger duties and while Nate and his shorts gained a set of admirers, the episode also managed to resolve the issue as to which Tarazi sibling should be wielding the air totem. The answer was both and it took original Zari to resolve that issue. I'm really glad we're still getting to see her on the show.

As for Sara and Gary, they crash landed on a mysterious planet, followed a dog, encountered Amelia Earhart, only for her to turn out to be an alien. Sara also got poisoned and Gary went into wedding planner mode before the two got some unwanted company by the end of this one.

- This episode was basically an origin story for Big Belly Burger, which was unexpected.
- Mick just randomly disappeared halfway through the episode and Astra was a no show.
- Spooner's arc also seems to factor in her mother while Gary was traded to Kayla by his family. 
- Chronology: October 10th 1955 in San Bernardino.

Meat: The Legends ain't no classic episode but it's oddly more fun than expected and certainly had its gory enough moments to boot. Spooner is slowly becoming a good addition to the show but I do hope they don't prolong Sara and Gary being separated from the group for too long.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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