Monday, June 14, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x06: "Bishop's Gambit"


Written by James Eagan And Emily Cheever
Directed by Kevin Mock

Bishop: "Oh, there are those scars. On the dead body of the real Sara Lance."

Oh bloody hell. I didn't see that coming. Sara bring dead and her consciousness in a clone but I guess maybe I should've when it was so casually revealed about Bishop being a clone.

I'm not sure I like this story at all and I'm really not sure the aliens story overall has worked this season. Six episodes in and I do feel this is shaping up to be the weakest season so far.

As Bishop took great pleasure in constantly outsmarting Sara this week, his condescension towards the Ava clones might be his downfall. With his main Ava clone starting to think for herself and Gary factoring into things, the clones will obviously become Bishop's undoing.

Gary demonstrated his flexible side this week while trying and failing to help Sara but at least he got the Ava clones on side. As for Sara, Mick nearly came to her rescue before things went south.

I quite liked the Mick and Kayla team up but saw the pair of them having sex at the worst time a mile off. It's still a better pairing than Constantine and Zari as the former is now lying to the latter about his powers or lack of them with Astra's help.

Astra did manage to use her powers to get alien Amelia Earhart to reveal more to the gang as did Spooner's more tense confrontation with her. Is Spooner slowly becoming an alien herself? I think so.

- Needless to say, the Legends don't make for good housemates and were getting on John's nerves. I did like Nate calling John "gorg" though.
- Gary in the toilet is a new bizarre thing we can add to the show's list of things. One of the alien species doesn't react well to light.
- Behrad seems to be something of a calming influence with Spooner. I get the sense he might be attracted to her as well.
- Chronology: 2021 for the scenes in Constantine's house but also 1956 New York for the Amelia Earhart stuff.

Bishop's Gambit definitely had some great moments but I have mixed feelings on the Sara being dead reveal, though what the next episode intends to do, perhaps it might not last. Still not sure aliens work on the show though.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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