Monday, August 23, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x13: "Silence Of The Sonograms"


Written by Phil Klemmer And Morgan Faust
Directed by Nico Sachse

Bishop: "You know when you fight yourself, you're destined to lose."
Sara: "Destiny's so last season."

As we head towards the end of this season, Bishop has finally come back just so that he could be a gigantic pain in the backside to the Legends. He might also want to be a big more strategic and play them off each other as well to a certain point. 

Bishop started well enough with Sara and Ava, feigning loneliness and using the latter's own hangups about being a clone while helping to organise her wedding. As someone who isn't always the biggest fan of Ava, this was actually a pretty great episode for the character.

Then there was fighting with Sara and anticipating her every move. That's what happens when you have 6% of someone who you previously kidnapped at the start of the season. However the physical sparring between Sara and Bishop was pretty cool to watch though.

Of course it wasn't just the happy couple that Bishop targeted this episode. He managed to trick them into inducing Mick's labour and while on any other show with a similar plot, Bishop would've went after the 48 babies, Bishop set his goal a little higher.

The object Bishop's goal was of course Constantine, who absolutely gave into his worst impulses by the end of this one. Zari did her damnedest to get Constantine back on track and it almost worked but his days are numbered on this show and I really don't see a good ending in sight for John.

Now why Bishop needs Constantine, I'm not sure, but as we head into the last two episodes, it'll be interesting to see how he's ultimately defeated as a baddie. This episode alone did more to make Bishop a credible threat than the first half of the season did.

- Did Behrad just skip this episode? Oh wait, he did as he's gone to see his parents. 
- The show let Constantine smoke, almost to really drive home the fact that he's gone to the dark side now. Astra also fixed Spooner's missing memory from John.
- Standout music: Lou Reed's Perfect Day during those scenes with Ava and Bishop.
- Chronology: Exactly from where the previous episode left off.

Silence Of The Sonograms certainly delivered both with Mick giving birth nasally with his kids and everything concerning both Bishop and Constantine. Definitely hopeful for these last two episodes sticking the landing with this arc.

Rating:  8 out of 10

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