Sunday, September 05, 2021

My Review of Titans 3x06: "Lady Vic"


Written by Joshua Levy And  Prathi Srinivasan
Directed by Nick Gomez

Dick (to Barbara): "I think we make sense."

If there was ever an episode designed to make shippers of Dick and Barbara soon, then this might have been that very episode. In any piece of media, these two make all the sense in the world and even in this episode where Barbara's characterisation seems to be more akin to Catwoman than a former Batgirl.

It's not that I expected Barbara to have a squeaky clean past, but her becoming some elusive cat burglar out of boredom and roping Dick into it just seemed a bit odd in a way. Still it was a great way to test the romantic chemistry between Brenton Thwaites and Savanna Welch and low and behold, the two of them have it in spades.

While Dick and Barbara's relationship might be more fraught in the present day than the hijinks of their flashbacks, the two did have a common enemy in Lady Vic (Kimberley-Sue Murray) resurface. Vic lured Barbara into an alley fight, both to settle an old score and also because her new employer needed a photograph of the current Commissioner for their needs.

It wasn't really much of a shocker to see that Vic was working with the Scarecrow, though why the latter needed Barbara's photo, I'm intrigued to find out. Also with Crane revealing that he could easily replace Jason if he wanted to. This might be something Crane will end up regretting. No, he definitely will.

This also of course led to Jason going off script himself and giving the drug to a group of guys, resulting in Tim's father being attacked as well. Has Jason inadvertently set his potential successor on the same path both him and Dick were set on? I'd say so.

Last but not least there was also Blackfire, who I'll admit was massively entertaining this episode. Between dealing with the dynamic of the Titans, bonding with Conner, flashing with Kory and helping with some vital information on who Crane is working this change of course for the character seem to be working so far. Kory also didn't deny her sister's assessment of Dick either.

- Gar seems to be of the belief that Jason still has some good left in him. Even Dick seemed to consider the possibility as well.
- There were some definite flirting between Conner and Blackfire during their scenes together. Dick and Barbara also caused the death of Lady Vic's former partner in flashbacks by accident.
-  I did feel bad for that poor couple at the start as Lady Vic killed them.
- Chronology: A flashback from six years ago as well as picking up from where the previous two episodes left off.

Lady Vic might be a series highlight. It had so much going for it with the Dick/Barbara scenes, the fun trio of Kory, Conner and Blackfire, Gar being the voice of reason (even when angry) as well as the Jason and Tim scenes as well. Halfway into this season and the pace has maintained its quality. I really do hope the second half can bring this home.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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