Thursday, October 14, 2021

My Review of American Horror Story: Double Feature - Blue Moon


Written by Kristen Reidel And Manny Coto And Reilly Smith
Directed by Laura Belsey And John J. Gray

Eisenhower: "What have I done?"

Well, Mr President, you basically doomed citizens in your own country into becoming experiments for a hybrid race that won't actually succeed until 2021 if the finale trailer was anything to go by. Yup, you've doomed them all.

Realising they needed an envoy of sorts, this still unnamed alien race (we don't even know what planet they're from either) got Valiant Thor (Cody Fern) to oversee relations with Eisenhower and bring him up to speed on some technological advancements as well as the grander plans. On top of that, Valiant Thor also decided to have sex with Mamie for good measure.

Surviving being possessed by an alien certainly put a spring into Mamie's step and she did not care that Ike wasn't pleased with the alien invasion or that he caught her having sex with Valiant Thor. However she did give Ike the suggestion for what would become Area 51 while Nixon arranged for Marilyn Monroe's death and in later years, Ike would see the gravity of the deadly deal he made with the aliens.

Cutting back to the present stuff an unfeeling Theta helped Troy give birth to a hybrid child, only for the child to be slaughtered when it didn't meet expectations. I thought this episode in particular actually helped to sell the younger cast better as both Isaac Cole Powell and Nico Greetham were given some strong material to work with.

Troy felt the trauma of losing a child and didn't want Cal to go through the same thing so he helped his boyfriend deliver his baby. I thought Cal would die from being cut open by Troy and not stitched up in time bur alien baby latching onto Troy may end up killing him instead.

As for both Kendall and Jamie, they seemed touched by Cal and Troy's desire to be actual parents while Calico shot down the younger group's desire for escape. The flashback to her encounter with Neil Armstrong (Bryce Johnson) and Buzz Aldrin (John Sanders) played on a popular conspiracy theory, while also offering a place of solace for the younger characters as well.

- Calico has given birth to over 150 hybrid babies since her abduction and has shut herself off from feeling any loss for them.
- Mamie not only talked about wanting to make birthdays less juvenile but also Halloween as well.
- Keeping with the name dropping, Calico told the younger cast that Stanley Kubrick directed the moon landing.
- Chronology: 1954, 1957, 1969 and 2021 throughout this episode.

Blue Moon was the strongest part of this segment of Death Valley, not unlike how the penultimate episode of the previous half was. I just hope this time around, the finale brings everything together but it's glaringly obvious at this point that there will be no links between the two ideas for this season.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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