Saturday, October 16, 2021

My Review of Doom Patrol's 3x06: "1917 Patrol"


Written by April Fitzsimmons
Directed by Omar Madha

Sisterhood of Dada: "Piffle paffle."

Well, this was  something altogether. Last episode saw Rita steal Laura's time machine and this episode opened up with her landing in 1917. Also in less than five minutes, Rita didn't waste time in ending up with the Bureau of Normalcy and meeting a familiar face.

The familiar face being Laura DeMille, somewhat more stricter than she has in the present. It also doesn't take long for a memory affected Rita to befriend the Sisterhood of Dada and strike up something of a budding romance with Malcolm (Micah Joe Parker) while deciding to remain put in this particular time period.

While Rita seemed to be enjoying herself over a century in the past, Laura was growing impatient with the rest of the gang not being helpful over the Sisterhood of Dada. Of course, the Sisterhood did make sure to make themselves known to Laura by the end of this one. What the hell did Laura do to piss them off? 

As for the rest of the gang, Jane got a nice plot where she allowed Kay up on the surface and the latter had a good time. Unfortunately it also seems like the other personas are going to turn on Jane. just as she was making positive changes for Kay.

Then there was Cliff, who mostly was going off the deep end, wasting money and selling his friends stuff to get more highs. Its the weakest plot of the episode, along with the Victor storyline with him wanting to get synthetic skin. Neither plot worried for me.

Last but not least, Larry's storyline with his son hit the same beats again. Paul can't forgive him so Larry threw him out of the manor. Also this tumour storyline has not made any progress whatsoever and it's beginning to feel a bit drawn out at this rate.

- Malcolm has a canary in placement of a heart. I wonder how long Rita will remain in this particular time. Her romance with Malcolm seems likely doomed.
- The mere mention of Niles's name in 1917 did trigger something in Rita, even if her memory didn't return here.
- Standout music: Clever use of Poker Face thanks to the Sistethood of Dada's downtime.
- Chronology: Both 1917 and 2021 throughout this episode.

1917 Patrol was something of a mixed bag. Both the Rita and Jane/Kay plots were excellent but none of the plots with the male cast hit the mark this week. Still though, a minor blip in what has overall been a strong season.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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