Sunday, October 24, 2021

My Review of Doom Patrol's 3x07: "Bird Patrol"


Written by Ezra Claytan Daniels 
Directed by Omar Madha

Rita: "We are offering you the chance to atone. Take it."
Laura: "I atoned that day by making useful agents of you."

After last week's slightly disappointing episode, this definitely felt like the show had quickly regained it's footing. With three episodes remaining, it definitely looks like the Sisterhood of Dada might not be villains and Laura herself has definitely earned their wrath.

It seemed somewhat telegraphed in the previous episode that Laura would eventually betray her friends for the Bureau of Normalcy and low and behold, that's exactly hat happened in flashbacks. She signed a pacifist group to commit unspeakable acts, caused Malcolm's death and forced Rita to head back to the present day for a reckoning.

To her credit, Laura did seem horrified upon remembering what she had actually done but even when given the opportunity to stone and free a bird like Malcolm, she tried to justify her misdeeds from the past. It's no wonder things went to (bird) shit by the end of this one with a gazillion birds making the gang disappear as Laura herself turned into one and scarpered.

The Sisterhood of Dada  seem to have Rita firmly on their side and while they weren't that bothered about her and Malcolm being an item, I almost got the impression that Rita has become a de facto of the group. The flagellation has begun but what the hell will happen next? And will Laura eventually make amends before the season wraps up?

As for the rest of the gang themselves, Cliff's story was the weakest. He ended up babysitting his grandson but had no problem using Clara's credit card to feed his current addiction. Elsewhere Jane faced both Kay's wrath over a missing bicycle and the other persons being too desperate to keep Kay below the surface as best they can.

So,what stronger this week wad Larry finally puking up his space tumour and almost wanting to look after it like a pet, which was both weird and strangely affecting. Victor on the other hand came close to getting his skin surgery while also sharing a nice moment with Roni. It's nice that the show hasn't forgotten about that character.

- The episode did open with Laura recruiting Wally for the Bureau. Wally could make things come to life from pictures.
- A part of me did think that the doctor Victor consulted with was going to talk him out of the surgery. I had hoped she would to.
- Jane has Cher records? Maybe Cliff did deserve to be dropped at his daughter's house for that.
- Chronology: 1949 in flashbacks and 2021 present day.

Bird Patrol delivered this week with the flashbacks and the reveals. I knew Laura's betrayal was coming but it still stung a tiny bit along with her unwillingness to make proper amends. Most of the personal subplots worked well here too.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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