Friday, October 08, 2021

My Review of Titans 3x11: "The Call Is Coming From Inside The House"


Written by Stephanie Coggins
Directed by Carol Banker

Crane (to Jason): "You know the time for masks is over."

The time for this story line is also something that needs to be over and after this episode, I'm starting to think that perhaps Jason might be too far gone after all for any form redemption. It's nice that he's slowly becoming disillusioned with Crane's increased batshit behaviour but his actions really have made it impossible for the Titans to take him back without looking extremely foolish in doing so.

Dick himself was extremely foolish this week. He knew that Jason was leading him into an bvious trap and instead of actually using Conner and Krypto's help, he knocked them out with Kryptonite. I swore during that moment of pure stupidity. However Dick did pay royally for his recklessness when he got shot and public supporters were only too happy to defend Jason.

As for Crane, on the plus side at least he finally shaved, so the scruffy hobo look is finally gone but then he spent most of the episode terrorising a pizza delivery guy just because he came across a damning profile of himself. This episode further highlighted what a weak and pathetic version of the character we've been saddled with this season. Two episodes to go and we'll finally be rid of him.

Meanwhile the rest of the spit up Titans were either going through stuff or learning a little more along the way. In a case of the former, Starfire's encounter with a single mother named Kapelwa had her learn not only something about her own past, but also discover a power set that she had no idea existed. Aside from some awful CGI in flashbacks to her homeworld, Kory easily had the best scenes of the episode.

The second best scenes of course belonged to Donna and Tim, who reunited, hid out with the latter's family and also learned that Crane was targeting neighbourhoods with people resisting him. Although Tim has been given far less screen time than I expected this season, he definitely has shown his detective skills wonderfully and both him and Donna make a great team.

Last but not least, both Rachel and Gar had their own story looking for the Lazarus Pit that brought Jason back from the dead. Needless to say they found it and then Rachel's powers went into overdrive upon Dick being attacked. While its great to see more of Rachel's powers, this show really has sidelined Gar for far too long. That needs to change.

- Blackfire was the one who had powers but Myand'r and Luand'r had a witch transfer her powers to Starfire. The CGI was awful during those scenes.
- For $25 that pizza would want to feed a whole family. Even I kind of agreed with Crane's reaction to that price. Tim's mini Batcave looked pretty decent.
- Standout music: Even Crane's horrible singing couldn't lessen the impact of TLC's Waterfalls for this episode.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

The Call Is Coming From Inside The House had some great character scenes, marred by a lot of stupidity and it feels like three seasons in, the writers keep making the same mistakes that they should've long since learned from. I really hope the last two episodes can pull it back together.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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