Thursday, November 18, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 7x06: "Deus Ex Latrina"


Written by Ray Utarnachitt And Mercedes Valle
Directed by  Nico Sachse

Bishop (to Evil Gideon): "Dignity is overrated."

Well, this episode definitely happened and woah, boy, I did not see at least two things coming and the other, I was happy to have confirmed. Yup, this season definitely has shaped up to be one of the best we've had.

First of all, let's talk about the last thing first. I didn't want to get my hopes up that Gwyn Davies might be a gay character on the show but this episode pretty confirmed that he was. Last season we saw Matt Ryan and Tala Ashe portraying a couple with John Constantine and Zari Tarazi and while I wasn't a fan of that pairing, there's no denying the two of them play off each other so well.

In this episode, both Zari Tomaz and Behrad were tasked with helping Gwyn to find parts to fix the time machine. Gwhn was largely despondent and had little patience for either Behrad or Zari until the latter got him to open up about his past. Then when Zari and Gwyn got captured by Russian soldiers, Gwyn really opened up about his past.

Having Gwyn talk about his World War I days along with a clear love he had for Alun really solidified how much of an asset Matt Ryan has been to the show. The guy has incredible range and Gwyn went through the gamut of panic attacks, reliving trauma, hopelessness to a tiny bit of determination when Zari and Behrad helped in changing some history in regards to the outcome of Chernobyl. 

It took longer than usual for the episode to reveal where the Legends had landed but once the time machine was fixed and they managed to escape the other Waverider, there was a stowaway on top of the machine, strapped to a toilet. Who else but Bishop?

Now this was where the episode really took a wild turn. I already mentioned three weeks ago about not being keen on Bishop being back. I didn't want him as a villain for two seasons in a row and thankfully this show had another idea with Bishop. He's not the villain this season, it's the corrupted Gideon. Also going by what was revealed, he technically wasn't even last season's villain, it was his robot clone. 

Bishop started the episode hating the Legends and wanting them dead. He blew up their Waverider and has been responsible for the Hoover bots. Upon realising that the Legends tried to help him and Gideon 2.0 killing his favourite Ava clone, he soon change tack. The question remains - will the Legends actually trust him and are they enough to stop Gideon 2.0? More than likely I suppose.

- Gary and Gideon hooked up in this episode, which did shock me. Nate also agreed to love in the totem with Zari, so it's looking likely he will be leaving this season.
- Behrad apparently reminded Gwyn of Alun before the two of them went to war. Spooner and Astra also separated Sara and Ava for a brief time in this episode.
- The title came from the one room on the other Waverider that Gideon 2.0 didn't access to - the bathroom.
- Chronology: April 1986, Chernobyl as well as a few 1925 flashbacks here and there.

Deus Ex Latrina might have one of the most tasteless titles for an episode but this was definitely a gem though. It turned things around on who the actual villain of the season would be and Gwyn's backstory was beautifully handled as well. This season has definitely gotten it's groove back. Even the Gary and Gideon subplot was kind of sweet.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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