Thursday, January 13, 2022

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 7x08: "Paranoid Android"


Written by  Phil Klemmer And Marcelena Campos Mayhorn
Directed by David Geddes

Android Sara: "We are the real Legends Of Tomorrow."

Well, this was certainly an episode to come back to after nearly a two month break. I knew there was potential in Evil Gideon coming up with her own Android version of the Legends and this episode really scratched the surface of that concept. 

Having our Android version of the Legends firmly believe they're the good guys made absolute sense and of course would make Evil Gideon's plan seem just that bit more nefarious. However it shouldn't be a surprise that Doctor Sharpe would be the one enabling Evil Gideon's scheme and it was less surprising that Android Sara would be the one to suspect that things weren't quite as they appeared.

Watching the cast play somewhat exaggerated versions of themselves as Androids who didn't know they were for most of the episode was entertaining as hell. Although they're slightly better at cleaning up the timeline as the real Legends as Evil Gideon got them to fix up the mess that Gwyn caused with Chernobyl from two episodes ago.

So let's talk about the Android team shall we? There's Nate who seemed to have gotten Mick's old personality and seriously looked roided up to the hilt when he wasn't belittling the completely alien and always hungry Gary. Then there was Behrad and Spooner who for some reason seem to be locked in a permanent game of trying to up the other, which was also funny.

The Android version of Astra didn't feel that different or exaggerated from the version we already know while Android Zari was both the cause of Sara realising the truth and her eventual downfall. Not to mention the more antagonistic dynamic between Sara and Doctor Sharpe, which was definitely the highlight of the episode.

Unfortunately with Android Sara posing a potential threat to Evil Gideon's overall plans, it was up to the rest of the Android Legends to relieve her of command, regress her into only being an assassin and for Citizen Steel to take charge of the Waverider. Yup, this will definitely be fun to watch play out for the remaining five episodes of the season.

- The actual Legends themselves were confined to a scene from the previous episode as seen by the Android versions perspective. Gwyn for now does not have an Android double.
- The Android Legends got their own title sequence and Citizen Steel got a bullying ad where kids compared him to John Cena. That was timely considering that Peacemaker premiered today.
-  Even this episode seemed to be hinting at a future Behrad and Astra hook up while Spooner referred to the latter as her best friend.
- Chronology: 1943 Seattle, 1986 Ukraine and 1992 Norway for the Legends to assassinate a surviving Soviet scientist.

Paranoid Android definitely had far too much fun in parking our main heroes and giving us the spin off within a show with their Android versions. I had so much fun with these characters that I actually didn't miss any of the main players this week. 

Rating: 8 out of 10

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