Thursday, January 27, 2022

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 7x10: "The Fixed Point"


Written by Matthew Maala And Paiman Kalayeh
Directed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers

Sara: "Get ready Legends because this time, there are no do overs."

We are near the final stretch of episodes and after last week's bombshell where Gideon gave Gwyn's suggestion of saving Archduke Franz Ferdinand and preventing World War 1 some serious thought, this episode quickly turned the idea on it's head.

Instead of the Legends trying to break a fixed point in time, they'd use it to smoke out Evil Gideon and the Android Legends and get the other Waverider. A delightfully cunning idea that could've gone without a hitch but then this episode would've been only five minutes long. Of course there was a hitch and then some.

The first hitch being the Legends getting roped into a time traveller's bar where they were the laughing stock among their peers while also waiting in line to try and prevent Ferdinand's assassination. This also resulted in Sara getting killed multiple times as the gang realised that a mystery man was there, derailing their attempts.

Had the promo pics and press releases for this episode and the next one not spoiled things, the return of Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash would've been a genuine surprise. Either way, it's nice to see the character again and it's even better that it's the Matt Letscher version of the character too. On a surprising note, Thawne's purpose for this episode was to make sure the fixed point remained intact and he was more grudging ally than dangerous foe for Sara and the Legends this week.

Now with the Legends in a prime position to reclaim the Waverider, what else happened in this episode? Oh, there was the rather understated manner in which Spooner came out as asexual to Zari as the two of them became friends this week. That was a lovely little moment in this episode and one that proved yet again, why this show has been the best for LGBT representation.

Speaking of LGBT representation, I never loved Ava Sharpe more than I did in this episode. With both her and Gwyn mostly sidelined in this one from the main story, there was a beautiful moment between them here. Gwyn's plan to save Alun but to deny himself happiness with the latter was heart-breaking and I loved that Ava seemed to have gotten through to him.

As for the other romances of the episode, both Astra and Behrad seem to be in the early days of their romance while Gideon went from self doubt about her knowledge of time to being elated about Thawne's arrival and being openly affectionate with Gary. As for Nate, we did learn that art was not a talent of his while he was also a great support for Sara.

- The credit sequence came back to normal for this episode after the last two doing something different with them.
- Zari's "smash, marry, avoid" game was a good catalyst to have Spooner open up about her feelings. 
- This episode had way too much with the amount of ways that Sara got killed this week.
- Chronology: June 28th 1914, Sarajevo.

The Fixed Point was another triumph for Maisie Richardson-Sellers on the directing front and on the front of everything else, this has become one of my favourite episodes of this season. Brilliant character moments, a welcomed baddie return. Everything about this one was a winner.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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