Saturday, January 22, 2022

My Review of Superman And Lois 2x02: "The Ties That Bind"

Written by Kristi Korzec And Michael Narducci
Directed by David Ramsey

Tal-Rho: "Aren't you gonna thank me for reuniting you with your long lost mother?"
Superman: "She could've been a mother to us both if you had chosen a different path."

Well, this was a family reunion I didn't expect so early in the season. Tal-Rho reappearing actually took me by surprise and it was a pleasant one nonetheless. Is it me or is this show going for a potential Loki vibe with the character?

I mean, sure his resentment towards Kal-El isn't going anywhere anytime soon but I do think a part of him wanted to help his brother this week as well as himself. On top that, he also seemed a little dejected when Superman didn't believe there was any good in him but wanted there to be. I feel a potential redemption story might be on the cards for Tal-Rho.

What I really loved about this episode was the fact that Clark took direct action about his visions. Once his family knew he was afflicted by them, he reached out to his estranged brother and the latter reunited them (and Jordan) with Lara (Mariana Klaveno). It was nice to see Lara both sympathise with Tal-Rho while also giving Kal-El a bit more information on what's causing her other son's visions.

At this point we know it's Doomsday and the antics down the mines certainly keep confirming that. There's also the fact that Dr Faulkner did her best to keep both Lois and Chrissy away from the mines while also confirming to a mystery person that something powerful was down there. I want to assume the mystery person Faulkner was talking to was Anderson (who's still a charmless pain in the ass) but I wouldn't rule out someone else altogether.

Meanwhile outside of the main plot, we had some interesting personal stuff too. Last week, Sarah was extremely distant with Jordan and this episode saw her and Natalie bonding over a car that the latter managed to get up and running. The reveal of Sarah possibly being gay or bisexual (she kissed a girl named Aubrey at camp) - it's too early to tell but I wouldn't be surprised if the show pairs her and Natalie before the second half of the season.

As for Lois, she had a lot of strong moments here too. Her attempts at bonding with Natalie over a big breakfast might have been a bust but she had some great scenes with both John and Chrissy this week. The latter especially as it was revealed that Lois's sister Lucy was in a cult and nearly killed herself. The show definitely has been laying the ground work for the character's imminent arrival.

Last but not least, I mentioned in my review for the season premiere that it wouldn't take the show long to go with Lana running for Mayor and it didn't. This episode had Daniel Hart quickly drop out of the race, Kyle get his fire station to vote for Lana and the latter to fill out the paperwork. Again, it's nice to see the show just speed through some of these plots.

- Superman nearly got defeated by an X-Kryptonite infused Philip Karnowski, also known as Barrage in the comics. He also got rescued by Tag, who has become of Mitch's soldiers.
- Jonathan figured out one of his lazier teammates was on steroids while still happy with his new girlfriend.
- I noticed the blog that was giving that cult leader a platform was from the same person that Lois didn't want Chrissy to hire last week.
- Chronology: From where the premiere episode more or less left off.

The Ties That Bind was definitely a better episode than the premiere. So many fantastic character moments, plots continuing to be moved forward while the Doomsday arc nicely being teased without feeling dragged out. This season definitely has gotten off to a great start.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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