Wednesday, March 23, 2022

My Review of Superman And Lois 2x08: "Into Oblivion"


Written by Juliana James And Kristi Korzec
Directed by Sudz Sutherland And Gregory Smith

Ally (to Chrissy): "The greatest story in human history."

Well, kind of. I mean we did see a bit of the Inverse world but again, not quite as much as I thought we would do. Ally nearly got everything she wanted but she gravely underestimated Anderson having his own agenda. On the other hand, there was also Lucy.

Lucy being revealed as Ally's Plan B was hardly a shocker. She was missing during the big event at the mines, had sent both Lois and Sam cryptic texts, appeared randomly at the farm and then drugged her own father to get his DOD card to free Ally. All of it was thoroughly predictable. At this point, I'm wondering what it will actually take to snap Lucy out of Ally's grip.

Ally herself had been far too smug in that interrogation scene with Sam that her having another trick up her sleeve made total sense. Ally definitely knew how to play on Sam's insecurities and she definitely got the better out of him during their scenes together. She continues to shape up as one of the most dangerous foes though we have yet to see her and Superman go head to head.

Outside of the Inverse plot this week, there was plenty of other personal drama. Clark really couldn't contain his disappointment with Jonathan and the latter's need to protect Candice even put him at odds with Jordan when the latter had to step in protect the two from a drug dealer. Maybe Candice does have genuine feelings for Jonathan but this story has definitely started to drag now.

Speaking of things in danger of dragging, we all know that Sarah and Jordan are heading for splitsvillle, right? The fact that she's now trying to stay in contact with Aubrey should be the sign for Jordan that their relationship will not last much longer. Then there's the Lana and Kyle subplot. I think they will reunite but it seems for now that Lana will not forgive Kyle just yet, even if they were communicating better  in this episode.

Last but not least, this episode also delved into Natalie's issues with Clark. I get that like her father, Natalie would have the same issue with accepting that this version of Clark isn't a homicidal maniac and I did like that Clark came up with a way to make things easier and earn Natalie's trust. As for John, it really show how much things have changed for him over the space of a season given that he defended Clark a lot here.

- Anderson told the other Ally about killing Superman during his own trip to the other side. 
- Jonathan's actions have caused the football season to be cancelled ans he hot a job in the same story owned by Sarah's friend's father.
- Sam has assumed his old job back on a temporary basis until they can get a replacement.
- Chronology: About a week has passed since the events of the fifth episode.

Into Oblivion had it's moments but it wasn't quite as strong as previous episodes. As much as I liked seeing more of the Inverse World, I still feel like there's more that needs to be done with the idea. Also some of the subplots need to wrap up and other characters need to get more involved in the main story.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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