Wednesday, May 04, 2022

My Review of Superman And Lois 2x11: "Truth And Consequences"


Written by Andrew N. Wong
Directed by David Ramsey

Lana (to Clark): "You're Superman?"

With another month long break to contend with before the final four episodes of the season, we certainly needed a good moment to end on with this episode. Fortunately that came with Lana finally learning that her best friend is Superman and as far as I'm concerned, it wasn't a moment too soon.

Being on the Bizarro world certainly got Clark thinking about the pros and cons of maintaining his secret life and with Jonathan largely pointing out the cons aspect of it, the time had finally come to at least tell someone of note. Lana of course made the most sense to do so.

She's been both Clark's best friend and his ex-girlfriend and like Sarah with Jordan, Lana was also aware that there was a side to Clark that he wasn't being honest about. Clark being evasive with Lana and the latter getting kidnapped by Jon-El also made the moment more timely too. How will Lana react to her best friend being Superman?

Come to think, Lana might have more to worry about as her Bizarro version made an appearance in Smallville and went toe to toe with John and Natalie. While she seemingly got sent back to her own world, there's no way that Lana won't be encountering her doppelganger before the season finale. That in itself should be a fun confrontation to see.

As for the rest of the episode, with everything going on, Jordan really had the worst timing with Sarah as I actually didn't blame the latter for not wanting to deal with him. Fortunately Jordan did have better scenes with his battle with Jon-El and even managed to hold his own during those fight scenes. Jon-El however didn't go back to his own world.

As for John and Natalie, their working together was nice as was their confrontation with the Bizarro Lana but there does seem to be the issue of John not entirely letting Natalie know everything he's planning. Then again, Natalie also went his back too.

- Sarah ended up getting a nice car from her parents. I loved the conversation that both her and Lois before the latter realised Jon-El had taken Lana.
- I'm also surprised that Jon-El didn't out Clark to Lana.
- No Kyle, Chrissy or Sam this week.
- Chronology: 33 days since Superman had gone through the portal.

Truth And Consequences did a good job with it's title here. We saw the consequences of Clark maintaining his secret with Jon-El's presence ultimately forcing his hand into letting Lana in on things. With only,four episodes left, it's going to be interesting to see how this storyline will get wrapped up.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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