Saturday, October 01, 2022

My Review of Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)


Written by David Kirschner And Blake Harris And Jen D'Angelo
Directed by Anne Fletcher 

Winifred: "Lock up your children, Salem. We're back."

Oh indeed, they bloody well do. In an era of reboots, sequels and the combination of both (requels?), it was time for Disney to dip into the well and see of there was some more life into this 1993 camp classic and would you look at it? It seems there was some more life in the Sanderson Sisters after all.

Opening with a flashback scene to 1653, a very stroppy young Winifred (Taylor Paige Henderson) has incurred the wrath of the local reverend Traske (Tony Hale) by refusing to marry a young man, due to her preference for Billy Butcher. As a result, the reverend attempted to take her sisters, Mary (Nina Kitchen) and Sarah (Juju Journey Brener), but a spider caused something of a frenzy and the girls scarpered into the forbidden forest for refuge.

Once in the forest, the girls encounter Mother Witch (Hannah Waddington) who hands her beloved Book over to Winfred while warning her never to do the Magicae Maxima spell. For the most part, Winifred agreed to that term but she also had fun getting revenge on the very villagers who banished her and her sisters. Then the action dips into the present day.

The present day involving three young girls named Becca (Whitney Peak), Izzy (Belissa Escobedo) and Cassie (Lila Buckingham). Something of a fractured group due to Cassie having a jock boyfriend named Mike (Froy Gutierrez), both Becca and Izzy visit the magic store (formerly the Sanderson home) where the owner Gilbert (Sam Richardson) managed to trick the girls into lighting a new Black Flame. You can guess exactly what transpired next as a result.

Yup, they're back and they're badder than ever. Winifred (Bette Midler), Mary (Kathy Najimy) and Sarah (Sarah Jessica Parker) waste no time in singing about their return, attempting to kill both Becca and Izzy and of course, some generational revenge when they realise the current mayor Traske (Tony Hale) has a daughter who can be handy for the spell that should not be done.

Between Gilbert's scenes with Billy Butcher (Doug Jones) as the latter's head was needed for the spell and the new trio of girls reuniting and taking on the Sanderson Sisters, there's plenty to enjoy here. The new trio are a likable bunch and work well together. Of course there's the reveal of them forming a new coven, given Becca's bond with Book and the fact that she's also a witch too. 

As for the Sandersons, all three of the are on fire here with a much grander scheme than the previous movie. Needless to say, they do the Magicae Maxima but there are consequences and one that lead to a character shifting moment for Winifred. Fortunately though, it was a moment that was prepared for and as one generation of witches leave the mortal plane, another have risen to take their place.

- A post credit scene had Gilbert's cat (who was briefly mistaken for Thackery Binx) watching over another Black Flame.
- Both Winifred and Becca came into their power during their 16th birthdays. It also looked like Mother Witch was going to make herself known to Becca and company.
- Mary and Sarah found themselves using a mop and roombas while Winifred got a proper broom. The scene at Walgreens was hilarious.
- Anne Fletcher replaced Matt Shakman due to the latter's commitment to fellow Disney+ sequel Disenchantment.
- Standout music: The Sanderson Sisters The Witches Are Back and their version of One Way Or Another resulting in a flash mob scene during a Sanderson Sisters drag show. We also had a gay couple watching the movie. 
- Chronology: 1653 and 2022 as well as some clips from the 1993 movie.

Hocus Pocus 2 managed to do everything a sequel needed to do these days. It embraced the past, brought back the Sanderson Sisters, Book and Butcher and did something new with them while also ushering an exciting future that I will be shocked if Disney+ don't capitalise on. That post credit scene alone definitely made it clear that we haven't seen the last of Winifred and company.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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