Monday, October 17, 2022

My Review of House Of The Dragon's 1x09: "The Green Council"


Written by Sara Hess 
Directed by Clare Kilner

Rhaenys (to Alicent): "Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?"

The King is dead and after a very long season of declining health, family in fighting and general scheming ala Hightower, the moment came where the Greens demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt as to why none of them deserve to be on the Iron Throne. In all of Westeros, has there been a family so undeserving of that seat?

Yup, I've been shamelessly team Black for a long time and this episode cemented my allegiance more to that house. While Alicent had her moments of sadness for Viserys's death, wanted to prevent Rhaenyra and her children from being assassinated and even called out her own father, none of them negated the fact that her own ambition ruled over everything else.

You can posit the theory that she misheard Viserys's last wish about Aegon being his successor but when nearly everyone in this episode including Aegon himself was quick to point out she was wrong, perhaps Alicent could've conceded the point? Nope she was determined to get her ill equipped first born on the Iron Throne and she succeeded. By doing that she's also brought about her own family's destruction.

Speaking of Aegon, this show has done an amazing job in demonstrating on how terrible he is in every aspect. He slipped out of the Red Keep and wound up being a temporary hostage of Mysaria while two teams went out of their way to look for him. We had twins Erryk and Arryk looking for Aegon on Otto's behalf as well as Criston and Aemond for Alicent's. In this regard, I'm glad that Alicent emerged the victor in that little game.

With Aegon ascending the throne, the highlight of the whole moment belonged to Rhaenys. Whatever issues she might have with Rhaenyra and Daemon, even Rhaenys knew that Team Green wasn't it. Alicent did her best to get Rhaenys on side and for a moment, I thought she might have gotten through to her. I did enjoy watching Rhaenys reading Alicent for filth in regards to the latter succumbing to all the men in her life. You can tell that Rhaenys's words had an impact on Alicent as the episode progressed.

As for the twins, their story took a very surprising turn. Both Erryk and Arryk took very different stances in regards to the Blacks and the Greens. Erryk openly expressed his disgust with Aegon's debauchery and wasted no time in trying to help Rhaenys out of King's Landing. However Rhaenys proved more than capable of getting herself out of a potentially dangerous situation. She even managed to reclaim Meleys and scare the shit out of Alicent and Aegon before she departed.

Meanwhile the division within the Red Keep was also interesting to watch. It was great to see characters like Lyman Beesbury (Bill Patterson) and Harold Westerling (Graham McTavish) essentially stand up for Rhaenyra even if it cost them both. On the other hand, both Criston and Larys's own devotion/obsession with Alicent continued to be creepy with at least one scene involving Larys that felt like it came out of a Quentin Tarantino fantasy. Alicent really does have the worst people in her corner, doesn't she?

- The first episode this season not to feature Rhaenyra or Daemon. We did see Viserys's body getting wrapped up while Alicent will not be in the finale.
- Aegon and Helaena's children appeared briefly in this episode and we learned that Aegon has fathered several bastards in Fleabottom.
- Mysaria using Aegon as a means to help get children out of being used for fighting endeared the character more to me. 
- Aemond seems to have that 'second son' envy of Aegon and for a brief moment, I had thought he was going to kilo his brother to get the Iron Throne.
- People on this show need to start paying attention to Helaena's predictions. She saw that last scene coming. 
- Chronology: Exactly where the previous episode left off.

The Green Council started off as a quiet episode before the shit really hit the fan. The stand out performances of course have to go to both Olivia Cooke and Eve Best and that last scene where Rhaenys could've ended the Greens on the spot was rather jaw dropping. I cant wait to see how the finale will end this particular season.

Rating: 9 out of 10 

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