Thursday, November 03, 2022

My Review of American Horror Story: NYC - The Body


Written by Brad Falchuk And Manny Coto And Our Lady J
Directed by John J. Gray

Gino (to Patrick): "The killer has Henry. I need you."

I think it is definitely safe to say that this week's double helping has definitely upped the ante of this season and this one definitely delivered more than a few surprises. Yup, this one might be my favourite one so far.

First of all, it's nice to know that Henry's more than an indifferent bar fly, he's a freaking hitman by the name of Velvet Touch and was revealed to be working for the mob. The mob also not being happy with Gino attracting the wrong kind of attention, so Henry had to make something of a point about Gino's big mouth.

I don't know why but was it me or did both Joe Mantello and Denis O'Hare radiate a lot of sexual chemistry? Why are we continuing this fracturing relationship with Gino and Patrick when in reality, the former actually has better chemistry with Henry? Not to mention that Patrick himself actually has better chemistry with Sam than Gino?

Earlier in the season, it was implied that Sam and Patrick shared a history and this episode bared it out pretty explicitly. Yup, these two previously hooked up at Sam's house on Fire Island and one of the sex and drug binges resulted in the death of a young twink named Billy. Both men at least had some decency to feel remorse for causing Billy's death, but this episode only added to this story in an interesting way.

Sam not only contacted Henry to get rid of the body but the latter himself also had Whitely on the pay roll to dismember. Then we had Gino and Henry confront Patrick and Sam over on how to get rid of the remains before Patrick realised that Whitely was the Mai Tai killer. Well, it only took you six episodes, Patrick.

With Patrick and Sam too busy getting rid of Billy's remains, it was up to Gino and Hwnry to take out Whitely and I gotta be honest, Gino is a terrible right hand man to have. I also think Henry was incredibly sloppy letting Whitely go the bathroom and get himself caught by the killer. At least Gino had the sense to call Patrick before storming into a killer's den. Now whether Gino and Patrick will able to stop Whitely remains to be seen.

- Needless to say, Billy ended up being killed while bound in a stock wearing a gimp mask. Whitely felt pity for him.
- Henry's mob guy Angelo was an amusing character. Whitely's mother also doesn't now her son is gay. I think she'd be more alarmed about him dismembering people tbh.
- Sam added to his garish collection while Patrick called him about Billy's body being found.
- Needless to say, both Daniel and Cameron are dead, though we did see one of their bodies which Whitely was working on when Henry called him. 
- No Adam, Theo, Hannah, Fran or Kathy this week. Barbara wasn't even mentioned. 
- Chronology: More times passed since the previous episode but also the flashback was set in 1979.

The Body might have had the name of another TV episode of a popular show that focused on a pivotal death but this was definitely a much more grisly affair. So many excellent scenes with certain characters in this one. I loved this episode.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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