Sunday, November 20, 2022

My Review of Titans 4x04: "Super Super Mart"


Written by Tom Pabst
Directed by Boris Mojsovski

Dick (to everyone): "Zombie Deathstroke?"

Well, he did show up, via a body double in zombie form and largely under the control of Mother Mayhem before new Titans team member Jinx took him out. Overall, not the most exciting of returns for Deathstroke but it is what it is.

However what this episode mostly was doing was making the most obvious of revelations known to all of the main characters. The Organization aka Trigon's Cult want Sebastian Sanger for their doom prophecy in spite of the fact that the prophecy was meant to be a girl (like we'd forget about Rachel's backstory) but Sebastian's mother had other plans.

Before doing the whole 'I thought Sebastian's mother died', we'l it turned out that May Bennett/Mother Mayhem is Sebastian's real mother but at the time of his birth, the Organization had deemed her a failure and kept her locked below the asylum. That was until the place burned to the ground as we witnessed back in the first season and became a Super Super Mart in the aftermath.

Of course it didn't stop the current Titans along with Jinx and Sebastian from exploring down below, coming around a creepy children's book with some doom laden prophecies that Dick kept dismissing to Kory's understandable annoyance before Tim filled everyone else in on Sebastian's backstory and about two hundred zombies tried to kill everyone. 

Apart from Jinx getting to use her powers to freeze them and that brief altercation with zombie Deathstroke, the show didn't really do anything too great with them. Well, apart from having Conner getting stabbed by Deathstroke and later puking up a snake in STAR Labs so you can tell where that's going to go as the gang try to keep Sebastian away from his witchy real mother.

This episode certainly succeeded in filling out May's backstory. From being unappreciated in jibs to an easy target for Trigon's cult to effectively forcing her own path and using her own extremes to get her son to fulfill his destiny. With Conner clearly under her control and two episodes to go before the season breaks, May will undoubtedly achieve her goal.

- This was the second episode in a row to mention Constantine. Is it too much to hope we see him (played by Matt Ryan) in at least one episode? Probably.
- Jinx really challenged Conner on his aversion to magic as well as Superman's own moral code. Tim's reaction to Rachel and Kory's past was amusing though. Gar also pointed out about the Blood Moon cycle and Bernard really wants to go on a date with Tim.
- Standout music: Season Of The Witch nicely used at the start of the episode. 
- Chronology: Flashbacks to 1996-1998 and 2019 to flesh out May's backstory and connection to Trigon and Sebastian.

Super Super Mart did a good job moving things along, even though most of the reveals were coming a mile off. This season does feel like it's slightly retreading the first one but so far in a good way. Only two episodes to go before Sebastian does go down a dark path.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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