Saturday, November 26, 2022

My Review of Titans 4x05: "Inside Man"


Written by Joshua Levy And Prathi Srinivasan
Directed by Jen McGowan

Sebastian: "Thank you for being so kind to me, Rachel."

Last week we left off with Conner throwing up a snake and the gang turning STAR Labs into a sanctuary for Sebastian. This week, Conner puked up another snake and protecting Sebastian from his destiny predictably went south. There are some things that just cannot be avoided.

Joshua Orpin can do possessive/evil pretty decently and he did a rather good job as Conner spent most of the episode under the influence of Mother Mayhem's control. He nearly took out Dick during his attempts to get Sebastian out of STAR Labs, only for Jinx to knock him out with some magic. Then he spent a good portion of the episode tied up with Kryptonite as Dick and the gang worked on a way to get Conner back.

I have to admit having Gar go into Conner's boy as a virus had the makings of a right disaster to the point where even Jinx began to pray for things to go right. Fortunately for everyone, Gar managed to succeed in getting the possession out of Conner and seemed rather pleased with the latest development of his powers. Nice to see that plotline got resolved quickly enough.

As for Sebastian, he really wanted to avoid his destiny as best as he could and he had some lovely bonding scenes with Rachel. Yes, this episode went to town emphasizing their similarities with even Kory and Zadira arguing over what to do about Sebastian. Ultimately Kory resisted in killing Sebastian, only for the latter to surrender himself to Mother Mayhem instead.

Sebastian becoming Brother Blood or at the very least making his moves to doing it were inevitable but handled well. Now that we've had him as a sympathetic figure for a good portion of the season, it'll be interesting to see how he will fare once he's in full villain mode. Something tells me that Mother Mayhem will go the same way as Gina did in this episode too.

Last but not least, there were some nice moments for two couples in this episode. Kory got to see the same fantasy of Dick and their future child that he saw last season and after some awkward flirting, Tim and Bernard actually kissed in this episode. Fans of both couples should be happy with these side plots overall.

- Again, this was the third episode in a row to mention John Constantine. I don't want to presume anything but it feels a bit too coincidental or possible trolling at this point.
- Elko is a diner chain with one being in Metropolis for Kory, Rachel and Sebastian to hide in.
- This episode also mentioned the Red during Gar and Jinx's conversation as well. 
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

Inside Man took that idea a bit too literally but this was easily the best episode of the season. There was so many great character moments and I'm looking forward to seeing how the mid season finale moves the story along even further.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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