Monday, December 12, 2022

My Review of Doom Patrol's 4x01: "Doom Patrol"

Written by Tamara Beecher-Wilkinson
Directed by Christopher Manley 

Rita (to future Victor): "You mean to tell us the world has been taken over by zombie butts?"

It's been over a year since the last finale took our misfits and decided to make them into actual fucking heroes and it's been quite a year for the busted Justice League. Sorry, I mean the Doom Patrol, led by Elastiwoman herself, Rita Farr.

Yup, Rita took on the leadership role that no one wanted and while her team leading skills are questionable at best and the group don't care for some of her ideas, they have managed to become a competent enough team. Even their battle against Codpiece and his butt gun toting sidekick turned out to be less of a disaster than expected.

Of course Codpiece was an amusing side story while the main one took the gang twenty years into the future where things predictably were shit. They were so shit that Laura was missing, Rita, Jane, Cliff and Larry were all dead but had ghosts lingering around and Victor was the sole survivor and fearful of his past self fucking things up royally for everyone.

Seeing the gang talk to their future selves, you'd think/hope they might be able to prevent a future where zombie butts have taken over the world. However, knowing this lot, they're more likely going to make all the mistakes that will lead to this outcome to begin with. Of course, they're not the only ones worried about the future.

Getting to appear a little earlier than usual, Willoughby found himself consulting with the Knights of Templar and their rabbit leader Bunbury. It looks like Immortus Will Rise and I'm assuming that's going to be sooner than later, which means that the Doom Patrol may have to work with the Knights of Templar and Willoughby to prevent this disaster.

Not that they don't have their own shit to deal with. Rita needs to put her hatred for Laura to one side to find out why Isabel Feathers appeared in the timestream while Victor has reached out to someone called Derek. Larry's curious as to why his future self will eventually separate from his parasite, Cliff wants to touch his grandson with his new hand and Jane got a blank puzzle, courtesy of Kay. That's a lot to unpack in itself.

- Michelle Gomez has the 'Special Appearance' credit. She's still effectively a regular this season. 
- Did Kay actually kill Dr Harrison? I thought the latter actually worked well with the Doom Patrol. Silas didn't seem happy about Victor now being relegated to the tech guy of the group. Then again, neither did Victor.
- Standout music: Nice use of Sweet Caroline. 
- Chronology: It's 2022 in the present day and 2042 in the buttpocolypse future.

Doom Patrol was a strong start for the season and like Titans, there's an overwhelming sense that this show is coming to an end. Could the world really be taken over by zombie butts? Will our band of misfits be enough to stop it? Here's hoping.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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