Friday, December 02, 2022

My Review of Titans 4x06: "Brother Blood"


Written by Richard Hatem
Directed by Jen McGowan

Sebastian: "I'm so tired of being nothing."

And by the end of this episode, Sebastian Sanger went from being a nobody into a rather dark somebody. We might have gotten him in his official costume in spite of those promo pictures released before the season was released, but either way, say hello to Brother Blood.

This episode had to result in Sebastian finally embracing his dark side. Mother Mayhem has done well as an antagonist for the Titans but she was always meant to be the warm up act in favour of her son. I am surprised that she made it out of this one alive but I suspect she will not make it past the mid season premiere next year when Sebastian inevitably usurps her.

Even in this episode she came close to death at least twice. In both cases she managed to think ahead. First with outsmarting Conner and then by seemingly killing Jinx, who also got a new costume and was embracing being a Titans member. Is this end of Jinx just before we were getting used to her? I hope not. However there was an ending of sorts in this episode.

Sebastian drinking the blood and tapping into his powers managed to write the Titans (except Gar, more on him in a bit) out of existence. Now that was one hell of a cliff hanger moment for the show. With no magical allies, how the hell are Dick, Kory, Rachel, Conner, Tim and Jinx going to get out of this one? Well, there's likely one solution.

The solution of course being Gar. He's been connecting to the Red more and more and this episode finally saw him able to access the Red just in time to save himself from extinction. Right now, Gar, Bernard and STAR Labs are the Titans only hope when this show does make it's eventual return.

As for the rest of the episode, Conner got one hell of a makeover of his own doing and embraced the Luthor side of himself a bit too much for everyone's comfort. I'm not sure Joshua Orpin entirely pulled it off but it was an interesting side to see with Conner and I'll be curious to see where it will go in the second half of the season.

 - Kory's kinetic energy really went from 8% to 80% in half a season, huh? Rachel also became the White Raven here too.
- Dick's response to when Tim told the group that he kissed Bernard was funny enough. Jinx also uses a pineapple and mango conditioner.
- After the events of this episode, there's no way the show can have Dick remain sceptical about prophecies.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off. The second half of the season will premiere in 2023.

Brother Blood provided a strong cliff hanger to what has easily been the most consistent season so far. I've really enjoyed the scaled back cast, new characters such as Bernard and Jinx, more focused and engaging villains and overall better pacing and the increased supernatural elements. Here's hoping that the remaining six episodes can end this season (and likely series) on a high.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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