Friday, December 23, 2022

My Review of Welcome To Chippendales: "February 31st"


Written by Annie Julia Wyman
Directed by Nisha Ganatra

Steve: "I'm not the failure, you're the failure."

After this episode, nope, Steve, you definitely are the failure. Your attempts to make more money pretty much plunged your club into declaring bankruptcy and losing out in more money from your very creation doing world tours. In other words, you got played and badly played yourself here.

The episode started with Steve being somewhat childish and going out to New York in order to humiliate Nick and remind everyone he created Chippendales. Then Bradford got the idea for the Chippendales tour and Nick used it as a perfect means to partially help Steve but mostly to get even with the latter for embarrassing him so much.

Steve should've realised that signing a napkin contract without getting a lawyer to read over it was a very bad idea along with his attempts to evade responsibility over the VIP cards debacle. Then there was the calendars themselves. Going from 300,000 to 500,000 without checking the print was a spectacular blunder for Steve and the thing that forced his hand into declaring bankruptcy.

In the midst of all this, Steve had that gut wrenching call with his mother where she basically declared him to be a failure while both Irene and Ray enabled some of his recklessness in the episode too. It was more surprising from Irene as she spent some of the episode annoyed with his deceit, only to have that heel turn where she encouraged more shady behaviour from him. 

As for Nick he might have gotten the last laugh with Steve but given what this show is depicting, that level of deception on his part will not end well for him. If Steve was getting bad advice from Ray and Irene, then so was Nick with Bradford. Not in terms of profit, but more in terms of what will transpire as we head into the final two episodes of this series.

- Nick was schmoozing an agent of a famous client when Steve barged into his space. Steve also seemingly met Valerie Bertenelli. 
- Denise mentioned having a brother who she found as annoying as Nick does with Steve. She also seems to have warmed up to Bradford since the previous episode.
- The title came from all the months on the calendars having thirty one days, thus tipping Steve over the edge.
- Chronology: A couple of weeks since the events of the previous episode.

February 31st definitely had a lot of blunders for Steve but it was a great episode in depicting how this guy has gotten himself into so much of a mess, due to his own recklessness and listening to the wrong people. Just two more to go now.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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