Thursday, January 05, 2023

My Review of Doom Patrol's 4x06: "Hope Patrol"


Written by Ezra Claytan Daniels
Directed by Chrostopher Manley

Wally: "Cliff Steele, I'm Wally Sage and you're the final piece."

Longevity really was the key and with Rita and Jane having lost theirs in previous episodes and Larry surrendering his for Keeg in this episode, Cliff really was the last one standing here with the old longevity. Will Wally succeed in taking it? We're gonna have to wait a while to find out.

Everything really did come together in this mid season finale. Rita and Laura went from being babies back to their normal selves and then went on their investigation in order to find out more about Immortus. This meant sneaking into the Ant Farm, where Laura had to confront some old ghosts. On the plus side she had Rita to help her through it. A minus however would be the return of Wally Sage, who quite possibly is Immortus.

I have to admit that I barely remembered Wally so it we a good thing that the episode had some clips to remind me of the character. Wally's an ideas man and Orqwith is a world where ideas could absolutely be brought to life.  This was something that both Victor and Derek tried to use to their advantage by bringing Mr Invincible to live and it almost worked.

However with Wally being in charge of the world, he was able to take out Mr Invincible and use his Scissors Men in order to keep Victor, Derek, Cliff and Jane in place during a failed attempt to rescue Larry in this episode. This of course not being the first time with Larry needing to be saved. Good thing Larry has people willing to save him.

Rama was willing to save Larry at the start of the episode, in spite of being fully convinced that Immortus would help stabilise him. Larry did however manage to get Rama to believe that he would help him but where did Rama go during the second time Larry was captured? Does Immortus have Rama locked up somewhere else too? 

As for the rest of the episode, Willoughby came back to state the obvious to Cliff and Jane about Immortus while it appeared that Bunbury didn't survive either. Then there was the cliff hanger with the defrosted zombie butt as well as Rita and Laura also having to flee the Ant Farm. It's a good thing we do have six episodes to go.

- Cliff noticed the sexual tension between Larry and Rama. Rama definitely seems to be interested in Larry in a romantic sense.
- Speaking of sexual tension, there was plenty with both Jane and Shelley Byron as well during their brief scene in the latter's world.
- The remaining six episodes will be streamed on HBO Max later in 2023.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

Hope Patrol made for a strong mid season finale with Immortus definitely beginning to rise and our gang of misfits absolutely screwed for good measure. These last six episodes in my opinion cannot come soon enough.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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