Wednesday, May 31, 2023

My Review of Superman And Lois 3x10: "Collision Course"


Written by Max Cunningham And Max Kronick
Directed by Elaine Mongeon

Peia (to Lois): "I really wish things would've been different. In another life we would've been great friends."

The thing is, I definitely Peia was absolutely telling the truth there and given the Multiverse, there has to be a universe where both her and Lois are the best of friends. In this one though their differences were too hard for either one to ignore.

Lois wanted to be the better person and let Peia be the one to confess about her part in Moxie's death, even though Peia pointed out that Lex was a far greater evil than her or Bruno could ever be. With only three episodes left and a renewal not guaranteed, there's little time to cement that theory about Lex.

Anyways, Lois nearly had Peia on side but a visit from Matteo pretty much changed the game when the latter was able to slip Peia the cure. A cure that worked rather welland left the DOD in shambles as a direct result.

With the Mannheim family well and truly reunited and on the same wavelength as one another and Lex about to arrive, what about the rest of the episode? Well, a B plot about teenage partying took some  surprising turns this week.

Jordan spent too much time moping about Sarah and Junior getting close to one another but saving them from a car crash ended up putting Kyle on the right direction. Except for the bit where he was convinced that it was Jonathan with powers but a certain reveal from Clark soon tod Kyle more than even he was expecting to find out.

At this point, Kyle was the last regular on the show to be in the know and I'm surprised it was revealed the way it was but at least it's out there. Though needless to say, I'm not expecting him to react well when he realises that Lana, Sarah and Chrissy all knew before him.

- Candice returned for the kegger plot and Jonathan was probably the only one who didn't drink at the thing.
- The episode did open with Lois ringing the bell and saying "screw cancer" with her family there as support. Lana and Chrissy also had a meeting with Governor Kerry Wexler.
- No John Henry Irons or Natalie in this episode. 
- Chronology: Not long from where the previous episode left off.

Collision Course certainly threw in a few decent curve balls with the way the second plot of the week led to that reveal while the A plot also moves up a gear (what's to be done with Inverse Superman now Peia is cured?). I really hope these last three episodes can deliver.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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