Wednesday, May 03, 2023

My Review of Superman And Lois 3x07: "Forever And Always"


Written by Adam Mallinger
Directed by Alvaro Ron

Clark (to Mannheim): "I just wanted to give you the chance to tell the world your story."

Well, it's certainly been something of a story then, hasn't it? Is Bruno Mannheim a crime lord or just a loving husband? Can't he be both? Both flashbacks and present day certainly lean into the notion that Bruno Mannheim has both in him.

In flashbacks we saw that he wanted to take on both Lex Luthor and Moxy. We have yet to see the former make their debit in the show but with the latter, Bruno definitely rubbed Moxy up the wrong way and came pretty close to death. What saved Bruno from going the same way as the rest of his 86 cohorts? Peia, to no surprise to anyone.

For a tiny moment, it did seem like Bruno thought that Peia was going to fall in line with Moxy until she turned around and killed him on the spot. Peia truly loves Bruno as much as he loves her and Daya Vaidya in these last three episodes has proven to a great find for this show. We know at her true strength, Peia's a damn formidable opponent but here we've also see her as a human being first and foremost.

I even felt bad for her when Lois was praying too much into her personal life, only for Peia to later confess to Lois about Bruno being her husband. Around the exact same time that Clark realised Bruno's motives were about saving his wife and all four characters interacted with one another. Oh and on top of that, Natalie's boyfriend, Matteo was revealed to be Bruno and Peia's son but who didn't see that coming a mile off?

Yes, this week Natalie and Matteo got serious as the show remembered it needed a teenage romance. John went into overprotective dad mode, annoyed Natalie but Lana was there to somewhat calm him down. Which worked, because John then accepted Matteo dating his daughter but that will definitely change when he's made aware of Matteo's father. 

As for Jordan and Jonathan, I'm impressed they took the initiative to actually talk to Lara about helping Lois, even if it resulted in being told the very thing they didn't want to hear. Jonathan took the news worse than Lois and lashed out at Clark. Saying that, both Jonathan and Clark had a nice scene towards the end of the episode and Michael Bishop has proven to be a decent replacement from Jordan Elsass as Jonathan. 

Last but not least, Lana had to deal with everyone moving so she lit some fireworks. Prior to that, Sarah went all mean girl on Chrissy before the two found some common enough ground. Chrissy being something of a stoner was also a little surprise too, with Sarah being very amused by the fact. I'm guessing gummies is the closest to recreational drugs the show will use though.

- Natalie and Matteo as well as Chrissy and Sarah went to see a movie named Dumb Frankenstein. Matteo also mentioned Slaughter Cabin in some way to reassure Natalie about impressing her father. 
- We got to see Peia ring the bell as part of her final treatment. Unfortunately I don't see her making it out of this season alive.
- No Sam or Kyle in this episode this week.
- Chronology: Not long since the previous episode left off.

Forever And Always certainly tugged at the heartstrings with some lovely poignant moments that I actually didn't know the lack of Superman (but plenty of Clark and in journalist mode too) this week. This season might need to hurry up with adding Lex in the mix but the Mannheim storyline has been great this far.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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