Thursday, July 27, 2023

My Review of Harley Quinn's 4x02: "B.I.T.C.H."


Written by Ava Tramer
Directed by Joonki Park

Talia (message bag to Ivy): "The future is female. And evil."

Yes, after the last scene in the opening episode, Talia Al Ghul has made her proper debut and I have to admit, I like this show's version of the character more than Catwoman. Already she's appearing to be a strong addition to the show.

Mainly because she seems to naturally fit into both Harley and Ivy's separate worlds and quite effortlessly to boot. With Harley, though it's it's dynamic that could get antagonistic very fast though.

Talia's arrival at Wayne Manor meant that she was taking over the family business, which also meant the Batfamily and of course, that also meant that Alfred's job was on the line. His solution included the meaning behind the acronym of the episode. That mostly involved making Harley step up a gear this week.

Harley got benched as punishment for killing Peofessor Pyg and we got some genuinely entertaining scenes between her and Alfred. While Harley foiled a robbery and Alfred was hoping to be reunited with Bruce, the former earned herself a superhero costume. 

As for Ivy, she got collared into an evil ladies lunch thing, led by Veronica Cale. Ivy didn't seem too impressed with Cale and I can't say I blame her. However she was very much impressed with Talia, almost to the point of having a girl crush on her. Then Ivy realised Talia was the enemy and suddenly Joker wasn't her biggest problem of the episode.

The dynamic between Ivy and Talia was definitely a highlight outside the Harley/Alfred scenes with this one. Still though, Ivy has yet to do anything even remotely evil at the Legion of Doom. I mean she didn't even try that hard to kill the Joker but she did give Talia a worthy professional adversary. 

- The acronym in question stood for: breathe, identify the problem, tea break, consider your options and handle it.
- Bane has a crush on Nora Fries and she used that to get him to fix the handle of a broken pasta maker and organise a baby shower for King Shark.
- Of course Talia has a Lazaru project of her own. We got to see the effects on Cheetah.  Firefly, Livewire, Captain Cold and Volcana also appeared in this one.
- Chronology:  Not long from the previous episode.

B.I.T.C.H. absolutely had fun with the title, the comments on third wave feminism (exemplified by every scene with Veronica Cale) and in general the scenes with Harley/Alfred and Ivy/Talia were fun. A very entertaining episode.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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