Thursday, August 03, 2023

My Review of Harley Quinn's 4x04: "The First Person To Come Back From A Business Conference Without Chlamydia"


Written by Jimmy Mosqueda
Directed by Vinton Hueck

Lex (to everyone): "That's enough. Everybody get off my moon."

Business trips can be a frought time, can't they? Lex Luthor just wanted a weekend where he could watch a random guy dressed as Superman have sex with a woman and Ivy to introduce him while everyone else was wowed by his innovations.

Sadly for Lex, his buzz for the Superman role play got ruined by Talia (not the only fun she torpedoed this episode) and his key speech got overtaken by everyone else's adoration by Ivy. Of course handed the latter situation with a certain grace.

Well, not really. He instead decided to make his moonbase uninhabitable for everyone else as the pressure of being on top basically wrecked his glutes. Could Ivy's time with the Legion of Doom have ended here? If so her newfound alliance with Steppenwolf (also Talia's doing) came at the right time for her.

While Ivy was making the right connections on the moon, meanwhile on terra firma, Harley and the Batfamily were forced to downsize, thanks to Talia taking the latter's gadgets. This plot definitely had a lot of fun with it as Harley taught the likes of Nightwing, Batgirl and Robin that anything could be a potential weapon.

This lesson came in handy when a bunch of European tourists had the Batfamily bound and gagged and Harley was having a hard time dealing with their super drugged up state. Of course, Harley and the gang did get the better of them and now we have Harley smashing things in a sleep walking state. 

As for Joker, the episode started with him nearly getting robbed by Two-Face and ended with him blowing up a gardener. I guess he's back to his evil ways, now that being mayor has lost it's appeal for him. Not to mention to Harley practically telegraphing his evilness to boot. I guess he had to go back to his natural state eventually. 

- Nightwing's ass really has become too much of a talking point for Harley and he's gotten irritated with it too.
- Steppenwolf has a boyfriend and their relationship is unsurprisingly kinky to boot. Ivy and Nora had fun making fun of that phallic shaped rocket. Alfred's also on the moon serving wine.
- Damien'sbirthday was five months ago but Talia still views him as a baby, given her choice of gift for him.
-Chronology: Not long from where the previous episode left off.

The First Person To Come Back From A Business Conference Without Chlamydia is a mouthful for a title but it's also an unbridled slice of pure chaos. Maybe the best episode so far and definitely setting up a good new villain arc for Joker and whatever will be going on with Harley to boot.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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