Thursday, August 31, 2023

My Review of Harley Quinn's 4x08: "II Buffone"


Written by Ava Tramer
Directed by Yuri Mochizuki

Ivy (re apocalypse): "Oh my God. Did Lex do all this to just fuck Superman?"
Harley: "Eh, I've done worse to fuck less, but still, that is some petty shit."

Well, the apocalypse came and all because Lex Luthor really wanted to stick it to Superman. Then again, Lex Luthor isn't above petty shit tbh.

Harley and Ivy came back from last week, but aside from scenes at the start and end of the episode, this was light on the pairing. Instead you had two other stories to lead into the apocalypse itself.

The first being Lex wanting to use Volcana to tamper with the ozone layer and Nora quickly realising he was up to no good and trying to stop Lex. She had help with both King Shark and Captain Cold (the latter she was also trying to have sex with). Despite their efforts, all of them including Volcana ended up doing the very thing that Lex wanted in the first place.

Then there was Bane. I had forgotten about his crush on Nora and this week he went all the way to Italy to get a replacement pasta maker. The brand was discontinued and Bane soon met Mama, who helped him make pasta.

Mama also them got a little crazy when Bane tried to go home after she helped him. Fortunately Bane's connections with Clayface managed to buy his freedom back. However learning a new skill did little to impress Nora.

Going back, the apocalypse has arrived, Superman has no powers and King Shark blew up the Time Sphere. With two episodes left, it'll be amusing to see how this one gets resolved.

- And we got a Snydervere joke at the start of the episode and it was funny.
- While Captain Cold was enamored with Nora, he also seemed very fond of King Shark too.
- Everything went black and white once the apocalypse went into full effect.
- Chronology: Exactly from where the last episode left off.

II Buffone brought about the apocalypse and the events leading to it. Both plots proved entertaining enough that I didn't miss Harley and Ivy at all. Hoping the last two end this great season on a high.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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