Thursday, September 28, 2023

My Review of American Horror Story: Delicate - Rockabye


Written by Halley Feiffer 
Directed by Jennifer Lynch

Anna: "Thank you for saving me from myself."
Siobhan: "I mean, I am trying."

After last week's modest enough opening episode, this week decided to add a little more blood and gore into the mix. Has Anna's pregnancy quest come to a horrible end so early?

Somehow I don't think so and going by the source material, obviously not but this episode did end with Anna and Dex believing the former had miscarried. Maybe there is a conspiracy after all for Anna not to get pregnant. Oh and Siobhan's raising more questions too.

The episode started with Siobhan giving Anna a rundown of what the latter needed to do be a serious Oscar contender while giving Anna some B12. The B12 also made Anna puke her guts up but Dr Hill also confirmed her pregnancy before the events of this episode went the way they did. Anna really had a hell of a time here.

The Gotham Awards should've been her time to shine between a younger rival, an overly familiar fangirl in the bathroom and passing out on stage, she became tabloid fodder instead. Not to mention Siobhan was a bit too physically close to her in one particular scene. Are Siobhan's intention towards Anna's baby journey really selfless? I don't think so.

Then there were the stalkers again. Ms Preecher was still posting creepy shit about Anna on Reddit while Ivy finally interacted with Anna, while posing as a nurse. Anna almost clued together that Ivy was her stalker up it wasn't until the last scene where it was practically spelled out.

As for Dex, he seemed less horrible to Anna in this episode but still too suspicious nonetheless. Conveniently going out to get dogfood while Anna was being stalked in their home, his phone calls to Sonia and not being there when she miscarried. If he's not a baddie, I'll be shocked because it looks like he's a part of whatever gaslighting is happening with Anna.

- Anna's birthday was revealed to be January 17th 1988, making her 35 during this time. Babette Eno (Taylor Richardson) was born after 1991 at least.
- We met the hunky bodyguard,  Kamal (Maaz Ali) while also learning that Talia is a lesbian with a non binary partner. 
- I've seen some people speculate about Adeline and Somia being the same person and after one specific scene here, it does look like that'll end up being true.
- Anna's director Hamish Moss (Dominic Burgess) seems to have a rivalry with Siobhan. Siobhan looked like she wanted to kill him during the awards. Nice but brief appearance from Zachary Quinto as awards presenter, Craig.
- The Reddit pages had topics on super humans and a Hollywood coven among other things. 
- Chronology: From where the last episode left off.

Rockabye felt like a stronger episode compared to the first one with some genuinely shocking moments more akin to seasons of old. There's some heavy handed talks on nepotism babies (both applicable to two of our leads this season) and gaslighting overall, but saying that, I liked this episode.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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