Friday, September 15, 2023

My Review of Harley Quinn's 4x10: "Killer's Block"


Written by Sarah Peters
Directed by Joonki Park 

Harley (to Superman): "I'm better than a hero. I'm Harley fucking Quinn."

And so endeth the season. Its been a strange mix of weirdness but it's come to an end nonetheless. Will we get a fifth season? After what this episode, we definitely need some continuity. Even a special would suffice.

So what did the season finale set up? Oh just Harley, Ivy, Catwoman and Oracle esque Barbara as the Gotham City Sirens. Their first mission - find put what happened to Nightwing's body. Of course the last scene clarified exactly what happened.

Talia, somewhat burned by Ivy took Nightwing's body and resurrected him in front of Damien. Yes, Nightwing also remembered that Harley killed him so that's going to fun to see play. Let's just say he's a bit mad about.

As for the main bones of the episode, it was Lex's "40th" birthday party on the moon and everyone was invited. Ivy however invited herself, tried to kill Lex, failed miserably and was largely dispirited by the whole thing. Fortunately she had Harley to cheer her up as the two of them really did see their common ground again.

Unfortunately for Lex, Ivy also decided to use his lasers to nuke a few businesses, including the Legion of Doom and then Steppenwolf took him away. That was a nice callback to Steppenwolf and Ivy's friendship from the start of the season.

Last but not least, Harley had a Joker problem. She just couldn't/wouldn't kill him and even having him as a gimp on the moon didn't help. Leaving Joker to Gordon though, that might be punishment enough for the Joker. Just about.

- A24 got the digs at their horror movies this week. That won't please movie needs.
- Ivy still preferred the Cobb Squad as a name and Barbara considered the Birds Of Prey. No one liked her suggestion.
- Superman got rescued from Harley after Lex had stole his powers and hair and Bruce used his contacts to release himself from prison.
- Chronology: Not long from the previous episode.

Killer's Block brought the season to a fun ending. Some chaos on the moon, a freed Batman and Superman, a new girl gang and Nightwing back. Worked for me.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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