Saturday, October 28, 2023

My Review of Doom Patrol's 4x10: "Tomb Patrol"


Written by Akaylah Ellison And Tom Farrell
Directed by Omar Madha

Rita (to the team): "What do you say, team? One last mission for old time's sake?"

If you didn't get the memo with this episode, it's simple - everyone's dying and they're all dealing with it with mixed results. Some more proactively than others.

Larry and Rama both decided to deal with their imminent deaths in different ways. For Larry,it was finding a suitable home for Keeg and for Rama, it's one last trip to India before his ending. They left on strained terms and Larry vented some of his frustration on Rita.

Rita's method for dealing with death was to not further antagonise Isabel and to make a family dinner that no one attended except Larry. Then Rita almost got heroic before the rest of the team had to step in for her in that regard.

The one actually being heroic was Laura. She spotted a way to get the gang's longevity back and if she had to suffer Isabel's one woman show, it was something Laura was willing to do. Then she had a bonding session with Isabel and the two of them had some common ground.

As for Jane and Cliff, a roadtrip was in the cards until it wasn't and after spending most of the season not wanting to be Cyborg, Victor only went and changed back into Cyborg. Then there was the rebellion of the Were-butts that tied back to the first episode of the season.

Overall things went from bad to worse as Isabel banished everyone into a portal and now everything really has gone to shit for the whole world. Rita's the only member left and she's not in the best shape either.

- Teddy got back at Nicholas by transforming Dr You into a were-butt. 
- It was nice to see Rita, Larry, Jane and Cliff reminiscing over past adventures. It does however signal the end for this show that little bit more.
- Instead of a turd necklace, it's a lump behind Isabel's neck that holds the gang's longevity.
- Chronology: It's been a few hours since the events of Immortimas.

Tomb Patrol while not as strong as the previous episode did have some very good moments nonetheless. We're heading into the last two episodes of the series and it's definitely heading for a hell of an ending. How will they defeat Immortus now? 

Rating: 7 out of 10 

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