Monday, October 30, 2023

My Review of Leprechaun 2 (1994)


Written by Turi Meyer And Al Septien
Directed by Rodman Flender

Lubdan (to William): "She sneezes once, she sneezes twice, she'll be my bride when she sneezes thrice."

Following the success of the first movie, there wasn't any time wasted in a second one coming out a year later and I have to admit, I've seen worse sequel.

Last time we saw Lubdan the evil Leprechaun (Warwick Davies), he had seemingly been trapped in a well. A flashback to Celtic Ireland saw him wanting to marry a young girl (Shevonne Durkin), who happened to be the daughter of his slave, William O'Day (James Lancaster).

Luckily for William, Lubdan's attempts to wed his daughter went awry but not so lucky for William was still being bound to his evil Master as well as Lubdan vowing to marry one of William's descendants. Cut to the present day and Lubdan's free and eager to make good on that promise.

The descendant in question being a woman named Bridget (Shevonne Durkin again) but it's not really Bridget's story here. Instead the protagonist of the piece was Bridget's boyfriend and likeable enough scam artist Cody (Charlie Heath). He's mostly the hero of the piece as he finds a gold coin in his possession gives him invulnerability against Lubdan.

Throughout the movie Lubdan was determined to marry Bridget and get his gold coin back. He also took some enjoyment in the Los Angeles setting by terrorising many a character he encountered. However it was Cody's uncle Morty (Sandy Baron) who suffered the worst fate as the latter's greed became his undoing in the worst way possible.

As a villain, Lubdan certainly upped his nastiness, particularly his scenes with Bridget, which were certainly uncomfortable in parts to watch. However he underestimated Cody as a threat and ended up coming afoul of him in the end.

- This was the last movie to get a theatrical release until the seventh entry.
- Keeping with some Irish clichés we even had a drinking contest between Lubdan and Morty at one point in the movie.
- For some reason the movie had the alternative title of One Wedding And Lots Of Funerals.
- Chronology: Not only did we get flashback to Ireland but this movie had a St Patrick's Day setting for most of it.

Leprechaun 2 certainly upped the nastiness factor and while not quite as entertaining as the first movie, it did have it's moments. I also liked the bigger Irish connection this time around.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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