Thursday, February 01, 2024

My Review of Feud: Capote vs. The Swans - Ice Water In Their Veins


Written by Jon Robin Baitz
Directed by Gus Van Sant

Capote (to Lillie Mae): "I am not on your schedule. I still have a masterpiece to finish and they're waiting, they're waiting for it, so I'm not going anywhere with you."

With this double bill, things moved a bit quicker with this second episode. The fallout of Capote making the wrong enemies was certainly felt as most of his beloved swans committed to freezing him out with consequences for him. Being persona non grata definitely took its toll on Truman.

Keeping with freezing him out was definitely Slim Keith. She was the most dedicated to the idea and refused to even entertain CZ being somewhat more sympathetic to Truman's social isolation. However she wasn't entirely unforgiving when CZ did break the ranks and actually had lunch with the disgraced Capote.

Then there was Lee Radziwill (Calista Flockhart). So far, no backstory was provided but she certainly had no problem being the second in keeping Truman frozen out of society. She wasn't pleased about CZ spending time with Truman either but again, she didn't have a lot of screen time here. 

As for CZ, yes she broke ranks and spent time with Truman but she also castigated him for the article he had written and later uninvited both Truman and John from Thanksgiving, which did seem to break Capote's heart. Not to mention that John also got violent twice with him in the episode, with the latter time being the most severe.

The other Swan introduced here was Joanne Carson (Molly Ringwald) and she definitely seemed rather indulgent of Truman, even inviting him to her Thanksgiving meal and being horrified by John's attack on him. Even when isolated, Truman still had his supporters, notably ever loyal boyfriend Jack and even Bill Paley of all people.

Leading to the last bit was Babe. The one most hurt by Truman's betrayal and also wavering on whether or not to let him back into her life. This episode also focused on her cancer as she wanted to give away jewellery to her friends while encouraging Bill to learn to cook. There was also parallels to her declining health and Truman's own lingering problems, including being taunted by his dead mother, Lillie Mae (Jessica Lange).

- Truman was filming a movie but couldn't focus due to hallucinations of the women he betrayed.
- This show marked a reunion between writer/showrunner Jon Robin Baitz and Calista Flockhart as both worked together on Brothers & Sisters beforehand.
- Babe gave Slim the jewellery from Bill's affair with Happy. Slim ended up giving it to CZ. 
- Chronology: Definitely before 1978 as Babe Paley died that year. Thanksgiving 1977 perhaps?

Ice Water In Their Veins certainly didn't let up the momentum. We saw Truman at a very vulnerable time with his social disgrace and while I would've liked more screen time for Molly Ringwald and Calista Flockhart, at least both made a good impression nonetheless.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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