Saturday, March 09, 2024

Halloween TV Series To Be A "Creative Reset"

You wait a while to get news on a movie franchise getting the TV/streaming series and boom, you've got some news.

Yesterday we got Miramax head Marc Helwig quote the following to Deadline when asked about the upcoming Halloween TV series.

"The foundation of it is the original film, the John Carpenter movie, the characters of that film, and perhaps a group of characters that we haven’t really focused on that much in recent film versions or even in a number of them."

Adding to that, Helwig went on to confirm that the show was a top priority with the company having talked to people about the direction in which the show would take, with a creative team likely to be announced soon. He also mentioned the show being a creative reset, spinning off only the first movie from 1978 and none of the sequels. 

Overall, while I think an anthology route would be the better way to go with a Halloween series, what this interview does make clear is that Michael Myers will very much be front and centre of whatever this show will turn out to be. 

I really can't wait for more information to come out over the next few months. You really can't get rid of the Boogeyman, can you?

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