Friday, March 01, 2024

My Review of Feud: Capote vs. The Swans - Hats, Gloves And Effete Homosexuals


Written by Jon Robin Baitz
Directed by Gus Van Sant

Capote: "I've gone out of style."

We're two episodes from the finale and here was an episode that largely had Truman at his most self pitying. Also at his slightly creepiest given the way things were with his ward, Katy/Kerry.

Yes, losing his Swans (not really because CZ never pulled away from him) has done enough of a number on him that he decided to try and get Kerry styled like a woman much older than her years. The thing was that everyone knew what he was doing and had no problem calling it out.

Richard Avedon was quick to get his own assistant into allowing Katy to dress how she would've preferred while Lee told her to wear her hair down. Then Katy told Truman to sober up, which he faked doing while in Palm Springs.

The most memorable part of the episode was Capote's fling with a straight air conditioner guy named Rick (Vito Schnabel). In a lot of ways, this fling felt like a parallel to Truman's former relationship with John O'Shea, albeit with a slightly different outcome.

I mean, it was a fling that didn't last and Rick went back to a fiancée he initially abandoned but it wasn't a toxic break up. Rick didn't deceive or mistreat Truman and the latter seemed to be fine by Rick leaving him. I wish Rick had lasted a bit longer but he was a charming guest character.

As for the rest of the episode, Truman was also on the verge of being sued by Gore Vidal with only Lee being the one who could help him out. In the end, Lee chose not to help and Truman seemed unwilling to acknowledge his own role in her turning against him. 

- Lee also made a homophobic remark about Capote and Vidal when she wasn't setting to marry another lover.
- Babe and CZ both felt their age when a certain store no longer included a glove section. That and the article about CZ and Capote dancing at a disco made them feel out of style.
- Standout music: Last Night A DJ Saved My Life and Perfect Day.
- Chronology: 1978 for the duration of the episode. Jack also decided to remain in Switzerland.

Hats, Gloves And Effete Homosexuals might not have been a sharp as last week's episode but it had some great moments. Notably a strong guest performance from Vito Schnabel, who worked well with Tom Hollander.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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