Tuesday, April 30, 2024

My Review of Dead Boy Detectives: "The Case Of The Lighthouse Leapers"


Written by Joshua Conkel And Kristin Layne Tucker
Directed by Andi Armaganian

Charles (to Night Nurse): "Those memories are not why I choose to stay here. I still have a purpose. I'm a Dead Boy Detective."

Ah, Charles, you poor lad. The last episode unravelled him a bit with the Devlin family and this episode's near nautical themed one really semt him over the edge. At least he got to work through some issues.

The presence of the Night Nurse came quicker than expected. She rocked up into Port Townsend and when she wasn't critiquing young girls on their dramatics, she took the snarky Jenny by surprise in order to get to Crystal. Yeah, Crystal was bait here.

Crystal learned that quickly when the Night Nurse quickly dismissed her in favour of getting Edwin and Charles to their places. Out of the two, Edwin was calm but determined not to go back to Hell. Charles on the other hand went ballistic when forced to relive his death and abuse at the hands of his father. Both unrelated of course.

Having the Night Nurse go and get eaten by the sea monster that was attracting suicides at a lighthouse was a way to solve that case but surely they only made her mad at them rather than stopped her altogether. Loving the matter of fact portrayal Ruth Connell's going for with this character.

Anyways, away from avoidance of the afterlife and the case itself, the matter of love reared it's head. By the end of this episode, both Charles and Crystal kissed and I get why they're drawn to each other. I mean, it's not a relationship that can last for obvious reasons but it doesn't feel contrived either.

As for Edwin, he might be stuffy and repressed but both the Cat King and Monty are keen on him. Sadly for Edwin, both are manipulating him, albeit for different reasons. On the other hand, his friendship with Niko is rather sweet, even if the show does point out that she's a big animal fan at times. You know what, I thought Niko would grate as a character but she's rather endearing as a character.

- Jenny has a secret admirer that only types her letters. It was nice having her scenes with Crystal and Niko this episode. Niko watching Scooby Doo with Edwin was sweet.
- Tragic Mick wanted the Washer Woman (who gave Crystal cryptic clues) to help turn him back into a Walrus. Niko collects coloured sea glass.
- Charles died when he was 16. In the comics both him and Edwin are 12.
- Chronology: Not long from where the last episode left off. Also, Edwin thought there was 142 cats in Port Townsend. Cat King morphed into Monty and Charles to try and tempt him.

The Case Of The Lighthouse Leapers focused far less on the ghosts themselves (though the lighthouse keeper was entertaining and I wish we'd seen more of him) and more on dealing with Charles and Crystal's own issues this week. We also got a breather from Esther, which worked too in the episode's favour.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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