Tuesday, April 09, 2024

My Review of Mary & George: "The Queen Is Dead"


Written by D.C. Moore And Anchuli Felicia King
Directed by Florian Cossen

Mary (to George/Kit): "I'll need things of you both."

Heading into this penultimate episode, you had both mother and son on the ropes as it seemed like their enemies were closing in around them and their allies were no longer going to be of use to them. What were they to do?

Edward Coke might have agreed to his daughter wedding John Villiers but he's certainly soured to the reality of their ill advised union. Not only that, he went out of his way to take down both Mary and George in his own rather spiteful way. Also, Francis Bacon and Sandie.

Sandie's part in murdering Sir David certainly came back to haunt her that her death was massively signposted throughout. She tried to warn Mary, who in turn resorted to her own desperate measures in order to secure Sandie's freedom. Sadly for Sandie, even when she manage to get a pardon, it didn't prevent her from being a casualty. Francis Bacon certainly knew how to hold a grudge.

Bacon's downfall this week also felt rather telegraphed. Mary was quick to use George's disadvantage with Coke in order to have Bacon stripped of his titles. Mary asked a lot of George but for Kit, she asked very little by comparison. George got even by having Sandie removed from her.

George certainly was manoeuvring a lot this episode. When he wasn't trying to prevent Coke from killing him and Kit, betraying Bacon and being at the behest of his mother, there was also his scenes with King James and Prince Charles. Those scenes were definitely interesting to watch.

It took a lot to snap the King out of his funk over Queen Anne's death and the expense of her funeral but he eventually did it. Then there was facilitating Diego's (Unax Ugalde) plot to get Charles to marry Maria Anna of Spain. It helped that Charles seemed keen on the idea. 

- Sandie revealed that her real name was Cliona to the woman who would end up murdering her in the carriage.
- George grew his hair between episodes. It now looks similar to King James's. He also became a father to a girl named Mary.
- The last two episodes have been short on sex scenes between George and James. We did have George fooling around with Katherine though.
- Chronology: 1619, following the death of Queen Anne.

The Queen Is Dead made for a solid penultimate episode. We got downfalls, deaths, marriage plans, new heirs and so on. Now just the finale to get to.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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