Wednesday, May 01, 2024

My Review of Dead Boy Detectives: "The Case Of The Creeping Forest"


Written by Beth Schwartz And Oscar Balderrama
Directed by Glen Winter

Night Nurse (to Edwin/Charles): "You two may stay together. In the Lost and Found department. Temporarily."

Okay, so when things looked like they were going smoothly, Edwin went straight to Hell. Oh, the timing indeed. Still, it did make for a good cliffhanger moment.

Prior to that ending, at least two of Edwin and Charles's biggest obstacles were resolved. The first being Esther Fich, whose ultimate revenge scheme involving a magical fungus named Teeth Face and Monty all came crashing down. Granted, Crystal factored into that part.

Notably at the start of the episode, a trip to Tragic Mick's shop saw Crystal using a glass heart to break David the Demon's influence. Instead Crystal temporarily lost her powers and both Edwin and Charles were more vulnerable to Monty's part in Esther's planned downfall for the boys. Yeah, that Gladys story so didn't hold up. 

At least the Cat King came into the creepy forest to out Monty's scheme, even if Edwin didn't thank him for it and Esther nearly succeeded in having the Dead Boy Detectives nearly destroyed. Crystal tapping into her own power bloodline really did save their butts as well as sending Esther to another dimension. No doubt she'll be back for the finale though.

Speaking of returns, the Night Nurse's subplot inside the sea creature was a lot of fun. Mostly for her interactions with the mysterious Kashi (Cheech Manohar), who gave her food for thought and a convenient means of escape. Oh and he's an old man unburdened by trauma, which made him the perfect foil for the Night Nurse.

Getting back to the Night Nurse, she interrupted the moment where Edwin was going to admit his feelings to Charles but at the same time, she was a lot more willing to listen to the boys compared to her last encounter with them. That in itself showed growth on her part. Just a shame that Edwin got dragged back into Hell but a good way to up the ante here.

- Niko spent a lot of the episode hardening to love while Jenny avoided her but the latter relented towards the end.
- Monty was killed by Esther after his failure while the Cat King threatened to be no longer nice to Edwin. Kashi's many rings were another mystery but he gave the Night Nurse one of them.
- Loved the way Tragic Mick filled in Crystal and Niko on his backstory and in a far more detailed manner than he did with Edwin and Charles.
- Chronology: Not long after where the previous episode left off. 

The Case Of The Creeping Forest definitely delivered the best ending we've had so far this season. A lot of great characters moments with none of the subplots feeling wasted. I'm looking forward to seeing hoe Charles will get Edwin out of Hell.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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