Sunday, May 05, 2024

My Review of The Idea Of You (2024)


Written by Michael Showalter And Jennifer Westfeldt
Directed by Michael Showalter

Solene: "I didn't know my being happy would piss so many people off."
Tracey: "Didn't you know? People hate happy women."

Nowadays, the idea of a fanfiction idea being a book and then getting a movie adaptation isn't so far fetched. We've come a long way since the days of 50 Shades Of Grey but not really. Walk with me here.

August Moon, a barely concealed version of One Direction are the focus of this movie. Specifically, lead singer Hayes Campbell (Nicholas Galitzine), a variation of one Harry Styles. Or is he? Again, it's not too hard to tell here. Let's just say one encounter at Coachella would change Hayes.

The change being a chance meeting with forty something divorced mother and gallery owner, Solene Marchand (Anne Hathaway). Upon meeting each other, an affair quickly ignited between the pair and yes, this would be the fanfic element of the movie.

Is it implausible that the 24 year old Hayes would be genuinely interested in 40 year old Solene? Not really. In fact, not in the slightest but the age gap and the fame gap would obviously be the things to draw and eventually separate the pair, especially when their relationship would eventually become public knowledge. 

With the romance becoming public knowledge, Solene got a crash course in mean fangirls, being tabloid fodder and her romance with Hayes stoking different reactions from ex-husband Daniel (Reid Scott) and her daughter, Izzy (Ella Rubin). Ultimately,  the divide would be too much for both Solene and Hayes to continue things.

However as with every adaptation these days, there was a bit of a change towards the end. The book had a harsher but more realistic ending. The movie went for a softer but slightly less realistic ending. An ending that actually worked well enough, considering that Hayes accurately predicted the future.

- Robinne Lee wrote the book this movie was based on. She actually appeared in the 50 Shades Of Grey sequels.
- Nice cameo from Graham Norton towards the end of the movie where a solo Hayes appeared on his show.
- Standout music: I guess August Moon's Closer, The Idea Of You and Taste.
- Chronology: A five year gap does appear towards the end of the movie for Solene and Hayes.

The Idea Of You surprisingly turned out to be far better than expected  with both Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galitzine giving strong performances and rather good romantic chemistry.  It's a lightweight, frothy romcom but worth the watch.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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