Monday, July 08, 2024

My Review of House Of The Dragon: "The Red Dragon And The Gold"


Written by Ryan Condal
Directed by Alan Taylor

Aegon II: "What would you have me do, mother?"
Alicent : "Do simply what is needed of you. Nothing."

Going into this episode, I knew exactly what to expect with this one. Well, at least the very last scene. Boy, did that scene hurt. There are plenty of standout performances here, but without a shadow of a doubt, the best came from Eve Best. 

When it came to Team Black, Rhaenys was always the smartest woman in the room and this episode, she wisely summised that Rhaenyra couldn't go into the battle at Rook's Rest. Rhaenys decided that she would go into the battle instead and yes, it really ended as badly as it could've done. It was brave for Rhaenys to step in but it cost both her and Meleys their lives.

If it had just been Aegon II and Sunfyre, Rhaenys might have made it out of the episode alive but of course that little shit Aemond had to show up with Vhagar and pull the same dirty tactics that he did with Luke last season. Aemond's shaping up to be my second favourite member of the Greens. I need that guy to get some form of comeuppance for Rhaenys.

At least when it came to Rhaenys, she went out like a total badass. It sucks losing the character but her death will have certainly galvanised this war between the Blacks and the Greens and it's not like the latter came out of this battle totally victorious either.

Criston might have used the fairly modest Rook's Rest to smoke out a dragon but damage was done to the Greens. Not just by Rhaenys and Meleys but also down to Aemond getting his own back at Aegon at precisely the worst time for the latter. This episode weirdly drew sympathy for Aegon. Between Aemond trying to murder him and Alicent berating him to do nothing, the guy has no one in his corner.

Alicent's continued crappy parenting also served as a contrast to Rhaenyra and Jace this week too. Jace might have been mad at his mother taking a trip to King's Landing but when the chips are down, he has Rhaenyra's back. Rhaenyra even told Jace about the song of Ice and Fire. The very thing Alicent won't tell Aegon about.

Back to Team Black, Rhaenyra does need to get better control over her council as this week, it felt like they were all going to up and leave due to their impatience of Rhaenyra's softly approach. They certainly approved of her finally wanting to go into battle. Rhaenyra now knows that she cannot avoid bloodshed.

As for Daemon, well Harrenhal has been a trippy experience for him and mostly down to Alys Rivers. I am loving that character and her interactions with Daemon have been a delight. We can also thank Alys for more hallucinations of young Rhaenyra, Aemond and now Laena (Nanna Blondell). I don't trust Alys in the slightest but I certainly am enjoying her presence.

- Ser Simon Strong helped Daemon meet up with Ser Oscar Tully (Archie Barnes) and Ser Willem Blackwood (Jack Parry-Jones) to build support for the Blacks.
- Criston's misogyny towards Rhaenyra reared it's ugly head too when killing one of her supporters. I do love that Gwayne Hightower hates his guts.
- Alicent got herself some Moon Tea and Larys spotted it. How has she not found a way to get rid of him or at least under her control by now?
- Rhaenys made it clear to Corlys that she knew exactly who Alyn of Hull was to the latter. Even without book knowledge, most viewers would've guessed by now.
- Aegon II embarrassed himself by mixing up his Valyrian words, which Aemond took great pleasure in. Aegon also got rid of Viserys's history books.
- Chronology: A few days since the events of the last episode. 

There was a ridiculous amount of hype for The Red Dragon And The Gold and it certainly delivered. I absolutely loved this episode. The dragon battles were brutal and Rhaenys got one hell of an exit. Eve Best deserves all the praise here.

Rating: 9 out of 10 

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